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PAGE 5 复习资料说明 学位英语考试于3月14-15日举行,具体时间以准考证为准 考试形式为机考 为满足同学们复习备考需求,学校根据学位英语考试大纲编写了各题型练习题,但并非题库,请大家以巩固基础知识和答题技巧为主 附:试卷题型、题量、计分及答题时间分配表 序号 题型 题量 计分 时间(分钟) I 词汇和语法 20题 30分 20 II 完形填空 20题 20分 15 III 阅读理解 8题 20分 20 IV 句子汉译英 5题 15分 15 V 短文写作 1题 15分 20 总计 54题 100分 90 汉译英 第一部分 1. 玛丽把小孩委托给邻居照看,然后匆忙跑回电影院去找遗忘在那里的手提包。 2. 对于汤姆来说,金钱和权力并不重要。 3. 在面试开始前,我心中很有些忐忑不安。 4. 事故的原因主要在于司机的不小心。 5. 他靠给几家人做园丁谋生。 答案: 1. Leaving her kid to the care of her neighbor, Mary hurried back to the cinema to look for her handbag she had left there. 2. Both money and power mean nothing to Tom. 3. Before the interview began, there were many butterflies in my stomach. 4. The cause of the accident lies mainly in the driver’s carelessness. 5. He lives on serving as the gardener of several families. 1. ______________________________________________________________(为了帮助她,凡是我能想到的都做了), I don’t know what else to do. 2. There are, _____________________________________________________(要是你不介意我这样说的话), several problems with this idea of yours. 3. The driver admitted that ________________________________________________(他不但没有上保险), but he didn’t have a driving license either. 4. ________________________________________________________________(这两个人中不管哪个偷了她的钱包), she was determined to find out. 5. ________________________________________________________(你应该试试照我建议的那样做). I’m sure you’d find it much easier. 答案: 1. I’ve done everything I can think of to help her, I don’t know what else to do. 2. There are, if you don’t mind me saying so, several problems with this idea of yours. 3. The driver admitted that not only was he not insured, but he didn’t have a driving license either. 4. Whichever of the two men had stolen her purse, she was determined to find out. 5. You should try doing the way I suggested. I’m sure you’d find it much easier. 第二部分 1. 我已得知事故的详情。 2. 请注意你的书写。 3. 你是否参加我们的活动已无关紧要了。 4. 我到家时,父亲正在看电视。 5. 年轻时,阅读科普读物大大扩展了他的知识领域。 答案: 1. I have learned the details of the accident. 2. Please pay attention to your handw


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