The Rainbabies 雨小孩 经典绘本 儿童英语(双语版).docVIP

The Rainbabies 雨小孩 经典绘本 儿童英语(双语版).doc

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The Rainbabies-雨小孩 经典绘本 儿童英语(双语版)参考译本 In a small house in a green meadow lived an old woman and her husband of many years. 在绿色草地上的一所小房子里,多年来住着一位老妇人和她的丈夫。 Food they had aplenty and a good roof over their heads. 他们有丰富的食物,有良好的住房。 And a river ran close to their door, 一条小河从他们的门前流过, but the thing they wanted most was the thing they lacked, a child to call their own. 但他们最想要的是他们所缺少的——一个孩子,一个他们自己的孩子。 The days of good, honest work left little time for pining. 在工作的时间里,没有时间让他们苦思。 But when twilight fell, the old woman would sit down at her table and sigh. 但当暮色降临时,老妇人会坐在桌旁叹气。 "Oh, if children grew in flowerpots or blew down the chimney with the march wind, what a lucky woman I would be. “哦,如果孩子们在花盆里长出来,或者被三月的风吹来烟囱上,我该是多么幸运的女人啊。” One spring night, the couple was tucked in bed, snoring softly, when a broad ribbon of white light slid across the old woman’s pillow. 在一个春夜,这对夫妇蜷缩在床上,轻轻打鼾,一条白色的宽宽的丝带划过老妇人的枕头。 Her eyes flew open as she sat bolt upright. 她笔直地坐着,眼睛睁得大大的。 Though she could hear the steady tattoo of rainfall on the rooftop, her gaze met the white face of the full moon, peering round-mouthed through her window. 虽然她能听到屋顶上连续不断的雨点声,但她的目光却与一轮圆圆的月亮相遇,圆着嘴巴向窗外张望。 The old woman shook her husband. 这位老妇人摇醒了她的丈夫。 “Wake up, old man. I have heard that the moon shower brings good luck to everyone it touches.” “醒醒,老伴。我听说月雨会给它接触到的每一个人带来好运。” The old man rose, grumbling and followed his wife outside. 老人站起来,咕哝着,跟着妻子走了出去。 Though the shower had all but ended, the last drops of warm rain touched them. 虽然阵雨已经差不多结束了,但最后几滴温暖的雨滴还是触到了他们。 The old wife smiled and squeezed his hand. 老太太笑了笑,捏了捏他的手。 Then her eye caught a silvery glint in the meadow grass. 然后她的眼睛在草地上看到了银色的闪光。 Bending down to get a better look, the old woman gasped at what the moon revealed. 为了看得更清楚些,老妇人弯下腰,对月亮下的景象感到惊讶。 Nestled among the wet blades of grass and the wildflowers were a dozen shimmering drops of water, each holding a tiny baby no larger than her big toe. 在潮湿的草叶和野花之间,有12颗闪闪发光的水滴,每一滴水里面都包着一个比老妇人的大脚趾还小的婴儿。 With utmost


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