The Influence of Puritanism on American Literature(清教主义对美国文学的影响).docVIP

The Influence of Puritanism on American Literature(清教主义对美国文学的影响).doc

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PAGE PAGE 2 The Influence of Puritanism on American Literature 清教主义对美国文学的影响 Introduction to Literature December 9, 2013 Abstract The spread and permeation of Puritan is accompanied the whole course of the early immigrants’ cultivation and settlement in North America. As a set of tenets, Puritanism has lost its original meaning, but it has become a part of the national cultural atmosphere in America because of its enduring influence on New England and even the whole America. Puritanism connects with American individuality and has played an important role in the development of American literature. This article will tell about the meaning of Puritanism and Puritanism’s influence on the literature. Keywords: Puritanism; American character; American literature The Influence of Puritanism on American Literature The spread and infiltration of Puritanism is embodied in the whole process of early immigrants and settlements in North America. As a kind of doctrine, Puritanism has no longer the original meaning, but its influence on New England and the United States has a long history, and forms a special kind of culture in the United States, that is not only associated with individualism of the American character, but also connected Puritanism is the Puritan thought and their faith doctrine. The Puritans was reformist of the Anglican in the middle of the 16th century. They advocated the republican form of government, insists on the separation of church and state, because they represented the interests of medium and small bourgeois persecuted by the government. So they had to emigration to seek religious freedom. The first emigration got on "may flower" from continental Europe in 1620, and began the colonial frontier at the Plymouth in New England. Because of entrepreneurial hardships and successful start, the new settlers believed relationship between the personal efforts and success. They realized that clear, honest and industrious style of work is a necessary quality. W


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