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目录 II 调度自动化 摘 要 随着国民经济的迅速发展,对电力需求加大的同时,也对电能质量提出了全新的要 求。其系统的供电可靠率是供电质量的重要指标之一,随着社会的发展,对此要求将越 来越高。这既是社会发展的需要,也是供电企业自身效益和达标创建一流供电企业的需 要。随着全国农村电网改造工作的结束,为确保系统的供电质量和供电可靠率指标的稳 步提高,对电网的现代化管理进入了重要日程。而且,县级电网调度自动化系统是提高 农村电网自动化水平的最直接的手段,因此,本项目的实施对于提高电网的自动化水平, 改善电网的运行结构,降低损耗,保证供电可靠性,提高企业的经济效益和社会效益具 有重要的实际意义。本文是根据县级电网的结构特点,结合电网的实际情况,通过仔细 的研究论证而提出的电网调度自动化主站系统的实施方案。本文主要从调度自动化主站 系统的结构配置、系统软件组态、系统集成、SCADA 功能、PAS 软件应用等方面,确定 了适合电网实际结构状态的调度自动化系统。 本方案的设计,着眼于技术先进性,注重于实用性,达到县级调度自动化的最先进 水平,最终达到对电网进行高标准的先进的自动化管理。 关键词:调度自动化系统,卫星通信系统, SCADA 功能,计算机应用软件 Dispatching Automation Abstract With the rapid development of the national economy, the increasing demand for electricity, it is also a brand-new demand on power quality. Its quality of the electricity supply reliability rate is one of the major indexes, along with the development of society; this request will be getting higher and higher. This is not only the needs of social development, as well as their own electricity supply enterprise-class benefits and the need to establish standards. With the end of the work to transform rural power grids ,to ensure the quality of power supply and electricity systems reliable indicator of the rate of steady improvement, the modern management of network access to an important agenda. Moreover, Power Net Work Dispatching Automatic System is the most direct means of improving the rural power grid scheduling automation system automation. Therefore, the implementation of the project for raising the level of automation network ,improving network operating structure, reducing wear and tear, ensuring power supply reliability, and enhancing the ec


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