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技术贸易合同来源:秦博的日志 WITNESSETH WHEREAS,LICENSOR is en gaged in the bus in ess of man ufacture and selli ng beari ngs and their parts and accessories and lawfully owns certa in in dustrial property? nclud ing pate nt right, copyright and kno w-how)a nd developme nt, desig n and man ufacture CONTRACT PRODUCTS; WHEREAS,LICENSEE is desirous of obtai ning a certain right from LICENSOR with respect to man ufacture and sell CONTRACT PRODUCT(as defi ned in Article 1 hereof in TERRIRORY),a nd LICENSOR is willing to grant LICENSEE such certain right under the terms and conditions of this AGREEMENT; NOW, THEREFORE in con siderati on of the premises,cove nants un dertak ings herein contained ,the parties hereto agree as Follows: Section n GRANT Article 2 GRANT LICENSOR grants LICENSEE the exclusive right ,with the right to subcontract but without the right to sublice nse, to man ufacture and sell CONTRACT PRODUCTS in TERRITORY, by usi ng tech ni cal in formation and data, provided by LICENSOR un der this AGREEMENT in cludi ng the in dustrial properties(i nclud ing pate nt right,copyright and kno w-how) which LICENSOR has a right to(gra nt), un der the terms and con diti ons provided for here in. LICENSEE shall ,un der the terms and con diti ons provided for here in, en gage in manufacture and sell of CONTRACT PRODUCTS on its own account. LICENSEE is in no way a legal age nt or represe ntative of LICENSOR for any purpose whatsoever and shall be gran ted no right or authority, either expressly or impliedly to assume any obligati on in the n ame of or on behalf of LICENSOR or to accept service of processing or other legal document on behalf of LICENSOR. Section III ROYLATY AND PAYMENT Article 5 ROYALTY In con sideration of the right gran ted by LICENSOR un der this AGREEMENT,LICENSEE shall pay LICENSOR the royalty,which shall be the net amount after deduction of all the taxes and duties,if levied in TERRITORY. The net amount of the royalty per each unit of CONTACT PRODUCT payable by L


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