职高英语基础模块上unit12the spring festival 正式讲课讲解学习.ppt

职高英语基础模块上unit12the spring festival 正式讲课讲解学习.ppt

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Unit 12 Festivals Reading The Spring Festival 导: Background: choose the right one. Which festival observes ( 纪念) the conquest( 征服) of Nian (年 - 怪物) ? 春节习俗 Customs of the Spring Festival we clean our houses and sweep away bad luck, and then we paint doors and windows red. 我们打扫房子的卫生,将霉运扫走,然后我们将门和窗户刷成红 色 扫尘 Sweeping the Dust 春联 spring festival couplets We usually decorate the doors and windows with paper cuts. 我们常常用剪纸将门和窗户装饰一下。 剪纸 paper-cuts 年夜饭 团圆饭 family reunion dinner the dinner on New Year's Eve 吃饺子 Having Jiaozi 看春晚 The CCTV New Year's program 烟花 鞭炮 firework crackers set off fireworks / crackers 燃 放 烟 花 爆 竹 New Year's visit 拜年 On New Year's Day, we put on our new clothes and visit our family and friends. 在新年那天,我们穿上新衣服回家或到朋友家拜年。 lucky money 压岁钱 The Spring Festival 标: ? 知识目标 : 掌握课文中相关的词组及短语 . ? 如: would like to, spend ,so ? that 等。 ? 技能目标: 发展听、说、读、写的基本技能, ? 提高阅读技巧。 ? 德育目标: 增强对传统民俗文化内涵的理解, ? 学会感恩。 教学重难点: 重点: 课文中相关词组和短语的用法 难点: 现在分词短语作伴随状语的 , 用法。 Read the text fast and decide whether the following statements are T or F according to the text 1.Spring Festival is people's favorite festival of a year only in China.( ). 2.They clean their houses mainly because the houses are very dirty.( ) 3.As for our family, we have a family reunion on the Lunar New Year Eve.( ) 4.Children are very happy to receive the lucky money from the senior.( ) 5.We can't learn a lot of Chinese traditional culture from the Spring Festival.( ). F F T T F 学 : skimming Scanning Answer the following questions. 1.When is the spring festival? The Spring Festival is on ____________________________ on the lunar canlendar . 2.When do people usually start preparing for the celebration of the Spring Festival? __________________________________________________ 3.What do people usually do at midnight on the Lunar New Year's Eve? People usually eat _______,watch _____________________ and set off fireworks at midnight on the Lunar New Year's Eve. the first day


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