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学 海 无 涯 五、英汉互译 1. Those who accomplish their tasks carefully are worthy of praising. 那些认 真完成自己工作的人都值得表扬 1. Children tend to believe that their fathers are infinitely resourceful and versatile.孩子们通常认为他们的父亲是 足智多谋、多才多艺的人 3. He was shivering from fear as if he had seen a ghost.他恐惧的发抖,就好像看见 鬼一样 4. His speech was constantly interrupted by applause.他的讲话不断被掌声打断 5. People have proposed all sorts of hypotheses to explain why dinosaurs have become extinct. 人们提出各种各样的假 说来解释恐龙为什么已经灭绝 6. He told me that he had lived in America 1 学 海 无 涯 for ten years before he came to China 他告 诉我他来中国之前他在美国生活了十年 7. John and his brother differ in personality even if their differences in age are not significant.约翰和他的兄弟尽管 年龄上有显著差别,但性格不同 8. When she got back home, she showed her new beautiful hat to her husband. 当她 回到家时,她把她新的漂亮的帽子展示 给她丈夫看 9. He is always in a hurry and in the end loses both time and his good name .他总 是匆匆忙忙,最后既损失了时间,也损 失了好的声誉 10. When he began to work, his money was used up at the end of every month.在 每个月末,他的钱用光时,他开始工作 11. The old man donates his money to the orphanage every year. 那位老人每年都把 2 学 海 无 涯 他的钱捐给孤儿院 12. She is pursuing her studies at the university. 她在大学继续深造 13. The dog has transferred its affection to its new master. 那狗已经把感情转移到 新主人身上了 14. He was hired for full-time in a big company last year.


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