C++编程思想 课后答案第二章 其他章请点击用户名找 thinking in C++ annotated solution guide(charpter 2).docVIP

C++编程思想 课后答案第二章 其他章请点击用户名找 thinking in C++ annotated solution guide(charpter 2).doc

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[ Viewing Hints ] [ Book Home Page ] [ Free Newsletter ] [ Seminars ] [ Seminars on CD ROM ] [ Consulting ] Annotated Solution Guide Revision 1.0 for Thinking in C++, 2nd edition, Volume 1 by Chuck Allison ?2001 MindView, Inc. All Rights Reserved. [ Previous Chapter ] [ Table of Contents ] [ Next Chapter ] Chapter 2 2-1 Modify Hello.cpp so that it prints out your name and age (or shoe size, or your dog’s age, if that makes you feel better). Compile and run the program. Solution: The original Hello.cpp appeared in the text as follows: // Saying Hello with C++ #include <iostream> // Stream declarations using namespace std; int main() { cout << "Hello, World! I am " << 8 << " Today!" << endl; } Here’s my rewrite: //: S02:Hello2.cpp #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { cout << "Hello, World! I am Chuck Allison." << endl; cout << "I have two dogs:" << endl; cout << "Sheba, who is " << 5 << ", and" << endl; cout << "Muffy, who is 8." << endl; cout << "(I feel much better!)" << endl; } /* Output: Hello, World! I am Chuck Allison. I have two dogs: Sheba, who is 5, and Muffy, who is 8. (I feel much better!) */ ///:~ I chose to have separate statements that send output to cout, but I could have printed everything in a single statement if I had wanted, like the example in the text does. Note that in the case of Sheba’s age, I printed 5 as an integer, but for Muffy I included the numeral in the literal text. In this case it makes no difference, but when you print floating-point numbers that have decimals, you get 6 decimals by default. Bruce discusses later in the text how to control output of floating-point numbers. 2-2 Starting with Stream2.cppand Numconv.cpp, create a program that asks for the radius of a circle and prints the area of that circle. You can just use the ‘*’ operator to square the radius. Solution: The two programs mentioned above show how to do numeric input and output. The following solution to this exercise likewi


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