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Unit8 When is your birthday? New words and phrases I Teachi ng and Lear ning Goals( 教学目标 ): i语言知识和语言功能: 能争取学会使用下列词汇造句子 (Curriculum words) January, February, March, April, May, June, July ,August, September, October November, December first , sec ond, third fourth fifth , sixth, seve nth , eighth, nin th, ten th, eleve nth, twelfth, thirtee nth, fourtee nth, fiftee nth, sixtee nth, seve ntee nth, eightee nth, nin etee nth, twe ntieth, twenty-first twenty-second, twenty-third, twenty-fourth ?…thirtieth, thirty-first … 能争取学会使用下列常用短语造句子( Useful expressions ) a great month ; an art festival; some interesting and fun things a busy term ; School Day ; Sports Day ; En glish Day ;book sale ;birthday party ; soccer game; school trip; volleyball game 能认读下列词汇和句子( non-curriculum words and sentences ) events; activities ; Have fun! Enjoy yourselves. retell a passage made up of the above Curriculum words and phrases an d4. Un dersta nd, tran slate accord ing to a mind map ( 理解、翻译并复述用课标内单词编写的故事。 ) ii学习策略: Remember the Curriculum words and phrases in specific situati ons.( 在语境中记忆单词 ) iii 情感态度: Love all activities , love every day and love life.( 热爱活动,热爱每一天,热爱生活 ) II Teachi ng and Learni ng Steps( 教学步骤) Step I Warmi ng up and lead in . Write the word “ birthday ” on the blackboard. Ask the students: Do you know the word “ birthday ” ?Yes, “ birthday ” .Can you sing the song “ Happy birthday ” ? Let's listen and lear n it. Listen to “ Happy birthday ” first. Well, boys and girls! Can you sing the song by yourself?(Yes./No.) Whose birthday is today? Hands up! Oh! Happy birthday to you! Can you tell me what's the date today? (Yes./No.) Some of you can , but lots of the students can't. Now let's learn how to read and write the dates. (设计意图:由歌曲导入本单元主题内容,既活跃气氛又顺利导入日期表达法。利用了学生的积 极性,抓住了学生的注意力。 ) Step II. Lear n to read and write the new words. Preview. Lear n to read the words and phrases of un it 8 on P100-101. Read the new words using the phonetics( 音标)and mark( 标记)


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