人教版 英语 四年级上册 第一单元 课件hao.ppt

人教版 英语 四年级上册 第一单元 课件hao.ppt

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四年级上册英语 单词大练兵 room class What's in the classroom? window Clean the window door door Open the door! picture Put up the picture. ? light light Turn on the light. floor Clean the floor. Sweep the floor black board teacher's desk computer fan Gessing game:( 猜一猜 ) B C D E A “ 火眼金睛” window picture door light board computer teacher's desk fan 让我来做 在西方国家,父母认为叫孩子帮忙做家务是 理所当然的,再怎么用功的小孩也得抽出时间, 乖乖地帮爸爸妈妈收拾东西、叠衣服或是打扫房 间,即使很富裕的家庭也不例外。 同学们,对比一下国外的孩子,你觉得自己 做得怎么样呢?如果你做得不够好的话,没关系, 就让我们从现在开始,主动和妈妈说一声:“妈 妈,让我来做吧!” Let's / Let me … ? ① Let's clean the classroom. Let's clean the desks and chairs. Let me clean the window. Let me clean the board. ② Good idea. All right. ③ It's nice. It's nice and clean. Good job! 课文知识大操练 a /one blackboard two blackboard s a /one light three light s many desk s and chair s 许多 多得数不清就说 many 八条光管 十扇窗户 五幅画 很多椅子 eight light s ten window s five picture s many chair s What's in the classroom? A board, two light s , many desk s and chair s … ? What's in the classroom? ? 教室里有什么? ? A board, two lights, many desks and chairs. ? 一个写字板,两盏灯,许多课桌 和椅子。


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