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I I 超宽带天线的研究与设计 中文摘要 近几年来,超宽带天线的研究已经成为热潮。本文的思想也是研究小型 化超宽带平板天线,让其在生活中的硬件设计产品中满足超宽带天线的技术 需要。因为超宽带天线在 WiMAX 和WLAN的窄带系统和装载切口天线设 计结构上产生的影响。实现 WiMAX 和WLAN频带的双凹槽在超宽带天线 结构设计。在设计过程中主要是使用 HFSS软件进行天线结构的仿真优化。 主要利用了 HFSS软件仿真和天线结构的优化设计过程。我们针对其超宽带 天线的性能参数,相应的提升平面单极子天线的基础研究。传统平面单极子 天线与狭槽,狭槽装载方法的横截面,提出了几种平面单极子天线从频域和 时域研究,从而从单极子天线的相关性能参数出发,研究平面单极子天线在 频率范围为3.1GHZ-11GHZ,使超宽带天线能够达到市场对硬件方面的应用 需求。 关键词:平面单极子天线;超宽带; HFSS仿真 Research and design of ultra-wideband antenna Abstract In rece nt years, the research of ultra-wideba nd antenna has become a boom. Thought of this paper is to study ultra-wideband planar antenna miniaturization, let the life in the hardware design of the product satisfy the need of ultra- wideba nd antenna. Because of ultra-wideband antenna in WLAN and WiMAX narrowband systems and the impact loading of incision on the antenna design. Both WiMAX and WLAN band grooves in the ultra-wideba nd antenna structure design. In the design process is mainly using HFSS software for simulation of antenna structure optimization. Mainly using HFSS software simulation and optimization of the antenna structure design process. We according to the performa nee of ultra-wideba nd antenna parameters, the corresp onding in crease of pla nar mon opole antenna of basic research. Traditi onal pla nar mon opole antenna and the slot, slot load ing method of cross sect ion, and puts forward several pla nar mono pole antenna from freque ncy domai n and time doma in research, thus start ing from the related performa nee parameters of mono pole antenna, the pla nar mono pole antenna in the freque ncy range of 3.1 GHZ - 11 GHZ, the ultra- wideba nd antenna can meet the market dema nd for hardware applicatio ns. Key words: Pla nar mon opole antenna; Ultra-Wideba nd; HFSS simulatio n 目录 II II TOC \o "1-5" \h \z \o "Current Document" 中文摘要 .… \o "Current Document" Abstract I \o "Current Document" 第1章绪论 -1 - \o "Current Document" 1.1研究背景 -1 - \o "Current Document" 1.2超宽带天线的研究现状 -2 - \o "Current


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