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Unit7 How much are these socks? 小结 英语中表示成双成对的或由俩部分组成的物品常以复数形式出现,这类名词做主语时,谓语动词用复数形式,如 The shoes are 15 dollars. 若表示”一双,一对”时用“a pair of…”,如“a pair of shoes”,这时谓语动词用单数,如A pair of shoes is 15 dollars What do we use to buy things??? Colors Compare with these pictures a shirt a green shirt socks red socks a bag a small pink bag a sweater a long, blue and purple sweater Fill in the blanks in the conversation: A: Can I help you? B: Yes,please.I want a ________ . A: What ________do you want? B: Blue. A: Here you are. B: __________ is it? A: 10 dollars. B: I’ll take it. ___________ . A: You are welcome. Can you do the exercises? How much is your —— ?(衬衫) How much are these_____ ? (短裤) Do you like that______ ?(毛衣) _____ ______(多少钱)are this hamburger and the French fries ? 5.This watch is very nice. It is ______ (150美元). 6. How much —— (be) his shoes? 7. How much ____ (be) the red socks? 如在女孩购物的情境中,根据所谈到these red and purple one,再与。短文中的“We have skirt in red and purple”信息相对应,可知女孩是想买短裙,价格是$20。 男孩谈到需要一双棕色的某物上学穿,再由下文知其仅是28美元,回顾短文可知所谈应是鞋子。男孩还谈到了要买短裤,对应短文内容可知短裤的价格是16美元。 多个形容词并列时的排列顺序: 限定词(前位——中位——后位) + 名词性所有格 及其修饰词 + 序数词 + 基数词 + 描述性形容词 + 表示尺寸(或大小)的形容词 + 表示形状的形容词 + 表示新旧(new , old 或little )的形容词 + 表示颜色的形容词 + 表示高低的形容词 + 表示国籍的形容词 + 名词性形容词和其他修饰词[ 质地——目的(或关系形容词)] + 名词 Chinese , my , red , first , big car My first big red Chinese car $5 A: How much are these red socks? B: They’re 3 dollars. $3 A: How much is this purple T-shirt? B: It’s 5 dollars. a cap a T-shirt a hat a sweater shorts shoes ¥100 $12 ¥5 ¥25 ¥78 $88 How much is…?It’s…dollars. socks pants a shirt a skirt a sweater shorts ¥6 ¥67 $20 ¥55 ¥88 ¥45 How much are …? They’re…dollars $5 $7 $9 $8 $2 $2 Can I help you ? 服务员首先打招呼 May I help you? What can I


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