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5篇高二关于疫情的英语作文 今天是我和爸爸妈妈还有弟弟一起在家的第13天,我很开心,因为爸爸妈妈很久没有这样陪伴过我了。我以为所有的小朋友都是这样的,但是,大姨家的弟弟就没有我这样幸福了,他已经好久没有见过妈妈了。我问我的妈妈为什么大姨不在家,妈妈告诉我,因为大姨要去工作,有更多的人比弟弟更需要她。 Today ?is my 13th day at home with mom and dad and my brother. I'm very happy because ?mom and dad haven't been with me for a long time. I think all the children are ?like this, but my aunt's brother is not as happy as me. He hasn't seen his ?mother for a long time. I asked my mother why she wasn't at home. My mother told ?me that because she was going to work, more people needed her than my ?brother. 从小到大我最害怕大姨,因为爸爸妈妈有时会带着我去医院扎针,很痛。大姨和他们穿着一样的白大衣,有时候还很凶。每当我不听话,妈妈就会说让大姨来扎我。所以我总是不敢惹她。有时候还会偷偷和妈妈说大姨的坏话。 From ?childhood, I was most afraid of my aunt, because my parents sometimes took me to ?the hospital for injection, which was very painful. Aunt and they wear the same ?white coat, sometimes very fierce. Whenever I don't obey, my mother will say let ?my aunt stab me. So I always dare not provoke her. Sometimes I would secretly ?speak ill of my aunt with my mother. 但是这一次妈妈很严肃,她告诉我,大姨是很厉害很厉害的人。我们的国家有很多很多人生病了,生病的人可能会死。死的意思就是再也不会和他们的爸爸妈妈见面了。而且 健康的人和生病的人接触过,就也会生病。大姨就是在帮助生病的人,让他们好起来。也在保护健康的人,让他们幸福快乐的生活。我问妈妈:“大姨会生病吗?”,妈妈说不知道,但是大姨会好好保护自己的。妈妈还说,这个世界很大,有很多很多像大姨一样的人,他们离开了家人和孩子,和病毒作斗争。他们都是伟大的白衣天使,是和童话 故事里一样的天使,天使可以化解世界上的苦痛,可以给人们带来幸福。 But ?this time, my mother was very serious. She told me that my aunt was very ?powerful and powerful. There are many people in our country who are ill. Those ?who are ill may die. Death means never to see their parents again. And if ?healthy people have contact with sick people, they will get sick. Aunt is ?helping the sick people to get better. Also in the protection of healthy people, ?let them happy life. I asked my mother, "will aunt get sick?" my mother said she ?didn't know, but she would take good care of herself. Mother also said that the ?world is big, there are many people like aunts, they left their families and ?children, and fight against the virus. They are all great angels in white. The


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