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**市**河河道整治工程设计 矩形断面方案 摘要 **河穿越**市,本次整治段从黄河路—湨河入口段全长度为1950米,为了保护河道两岸人民群众的生命财产安全,所以进行本次河道整治工程,此次本次设计的主要内容是:选定设计方案,设计河道横断面,推求水面线,进行河道堤防设计,河道中心线设计,河道护坡工程设计和栏杆、排水沟、伸缩缝等细部结构设计,以及施工组织设计工程量统计与工程概算。 本次设计的方法及过程有以下:选择断面形式,矩形断面水力试算,通过伯努利方程推求水面线高程,然后设计堤顶高度;为了规顺洪水河槽稳定堤岸,进行河道中心线设计,首先在平面图上粗拟中心线,然后对有折角的位置圆弧化修改,圆弧半径应取3—5倍的水面宽度;最主要的设计是护坡工程设计,由于断面采用矩形断面,故只进行挡土墙设计和校核,细部结构设计包括的主要内容有栏杆设计、排水沟设计、伸缩缝设计,最后是施工组织设计工程量统计与工程概算。大大提高了该河段泄洪能力,减轻沿河两岸地区的防汛压力,河道将按50年一遇洪峰流量设计,100年一遇校核洪水不漫堤,防洪效益十分显著,配合挡土墙护坡以及堤顶道路绿化带,可增加植被,美化环境,减少大气污染,有效防止水土流失,避免附近沟道淤塞,保护当地生态环境,增强河道沿岸绿化,改善了当地人民的生产、生活条件。 关键词:河道中心线布置;矩形断面;施工组织设计; Jiyuan SangYu river course the engineering design - rectangular cross-section scheme Abstract SangYu river, this regulation period through jiyuan Ju river entrance from dimness - all for 1950 meters length of section, in order to protect the river to the lives and property of the people on both sides of masses, so safe for this river regulation engineering, the main contents of this design is: selected design scheme, design river channel transverse section, the water line, derive river levee centerline design, design, river channel revetment engineering design and baluster, drains, expansion joints, such as the structure design and details the construction organization design quantity statistics and project budget. The design methods and processes have the following: select section form, rectangular cross-section hydraulic try to calculate, through the Bernoulli equation deduced the water line, then design elevation constructed height; In order to gauge the river bank, stable flood centerline design, first in river to plan, and then the centerline of coarse position of a discount Angle of circular arc modifications, arc radius should be take 3-5 times the surface width; The main design is revetment engineering design, because, it adopts rectangle section section only retaining wall design and check, details the main content of the structure design, including a railing design, drainage design, des


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