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今日起生效2014-15年最新SOL技术移民职业清单 澳大利亚移民部正式公布,SOL清单新增加3个提名,不移除任何现有提名。 澳洲联邦放宽技术移民条件。为解决劳工短缺问题,澳大利亚联邦政府放宽了技术移民的条件,将厨师、砖匠及瓦匠这三种职业加入到了“技术移民职业列表”。2014年7月起生效,这意味着相关工人不需要雇主的担保就能获得永久签证。 以下为官网原文: In-demand trades added to the Skilled Occupation List Monday, 09 June 2014 Joint media statement with Andrew Robb – Minister for Trade and Investment, and Michaelia Cash – Assistant Minister for Immigration and Border Protection. Chefs, bricklayers and wall and floor tilers will be added to the Skilled Occupation List (SOL) from July 1 to help meet the skills needs of the Australian economy, as announced today by the Minister for Trade and Investment, the Hon. Andrew Robb, and the Assistant Minister for Immigration and Border Protection, Senator the Hon. Michaelia Cash. Minister Robb said the Australian Workforce and Productivity Agency (AWPA) works independently of government to provide annual recommendations on the composition of the SOL to ensure it responds to Australia's changing skill needs. 'The AWPA analyses evidence such as the labour market, education and training, migration and general economic and demographic data to make sure we get the balance right,' Minister Robb said. 'In this case, bricklayers and tilers have been added to the list because of an increase in demand predicted for these occupations as well as a decrease in apprenticeship completions.' Minister Cash said the addition of chefs to the SOL reflects that the occupation is in short supply, coupled with strong growth projected in the café and restaurant sector. 'Including chefs on the SOL will provide greater flexibility for businesses to recruit skilled chefs from overseas when they cannot source these skills locally,' Minister Cash said. 'The addition of these occupations will be especially welcomed in regional areas, where there is a known deficit of skilled workers in the hospitality and construction industries.' The SOL is used for people applying for the independent or family sponsored points tested visa or t


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