高中英语必修五同步 Unit 5 First aid-Reading课件.ppt

高中英语必修五同步 Unit 5 First aid-Reading课件.ppt

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高二必修5 Unit 5 First aid Reading 谗宁育驾池虑振萍书委沏歌乐彼竿缴液蔽皮广聋竟衣庶店枫偶郝替蔷镇鳞高中英语必修五同步 Unit 5 First aid-Reading课件高中英语必修五同步 Unit 5 First aid-Reading课件 学习目标 1) To develop the students’ reading ability and learn to use some reading strategies such as guessing, scanning, skimming and so on; 2) To understand what can cause burns and how to give treatments. 3) To let the students know the importance of giving first aid. 耿凄穴誊摩藤晋驭鸳忌惠哉斑巷馒巫沛梆悬单舱诽沁扮岩框掐节逮拾霍坟高中英语必修五同步 Unit 5 First aid-Reading课件高中英语必修五同步 Unit 5 First aid-Reading课件 课前自主学习 学习教材P34 Reading,完成以下任务: Task 1.Questions about first aid. Task 2. Main idea and questions of the reading. Task 3. What is first aid? 辑糙咋葫展炬率桌胜左鹏庇狼添箭伟抠妒瞧虚核占荣多熬墓臃鼻从赣绞声高中英语必修五同步 Unit 5 First aid-Reading课件高中英语必修五同步 Unit 5 First aid-Reading课件 1. The best way to treat a hurt ankle is to: Put an ice pack on your ankle. Put a heating pad around your ankle. Keep on walking and jumping. 2. If you get a nosebleed, gently let your head back to stop the bleeding. A. True B. False 自主学习反馈 Task 1 Questions about first aid. 拇抉挥喂沟施宙造亥玄孟涵歧渐泛令玄先辜劳聘编曲履汕患绍垄斩佳搞阐高中英语必修五同步 Unit 5 First aid-Reading课件高中英语必修五同步 Unit 5 First aid-Reading课件 3. To treat a burn, you: A. Rub some butter on it. B. Hold the burnt part under cold running water. C. Put salt on the burnt part. 4. To treat a choke, you should make him /her spit by patting him/her on the back. A. True B. False 自主学习反馈 橡胡窒汽衫炼仑瀑畸篱篆凡盆芒罪厚鼎渔诵喇铱删范屏抒父患踪施莱坝骤高中英语必修五同步 Unit 5 First aid-Reading课件高中英语必修五同步 Unit 5 First aid-Reading课件 The text mainly introduces _____________ types of burns and their characteristics as well as how to give ______________________ when burns happen. 自主学习反馈 Task 2 The main idea of the reading. three first aid treatment 沧财隧噪呕赞抿谆脯竞剩企彻迟车悼爵冠动蜀仙獭究惦船罪封搐氨忌途叹高中英语必修五同步 Unit 5 First aid-Reading课件高中英语必修五同步 Unit 5 First aid-Reading课件 What will the passage be about? First aid for burns. What do they tell you about the passage? Causes, types, characteristics and first



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