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TEM8 E--C Translation (2010) 为 Contents 1)作者简介,原文和翻译,译文对比 2)英译汉翻译步骤总结 3 专八考试大纲对翻译的要求 英译汉和汉译英题型回顾及小结 托马斯·德·昆西( comas e quincey,1785-1859) 英国著名散文家和批评家,其 作华美与瑰奇兼具,激情与疏缓并 蓄,是英国浪漫主义文学中的代表 性作品。被誉为“少有的英语文体 大师”,有生之年大部分时间被病 魔纠缠,几乎无时不同踌躇、忧郁 和吸毒的惧作斗争。他的代表作 《鸦片之苦》( The ains of opium) 来自作者吸食鸦片后所产生的狂热 梦境。德·昆西写了很多散文作品 题材涉及文学、哲学、神学、政治 学等领域。作品受到戴维·赫伯 特·劳伦斯以及弗吉尼亚伍尔芙及 等诸多后世文坛大家的赞誉。 至 I thought that it was a Sunday morning in May that it was Easter Sunday and as yet very early in the morning. I was standing, as it seemed to me, at the door of my own cottage. Right before me lay the very scene which could really be commanded from that situation, but exalted, as was usual, and solemnized by the power of dreams. There were the same mountains, and the same lovely valley at their feet; but the mountains were raised to a more than Alpine height, and there was interspace far larger between them of meadows and forest lawns; the hedges were rich with white roses; and no living creature was to be seen, excepting that in the green church- yard there were cattle tranquilly reposing upon the verdant graves, and particularly round about the grave of a child whom I had tenderly loved, just as I had really beheld them, a little before sunrise, in summer, when that child died. I thought that it was a Sunday morning in May, that it was Easter Sunday, and as yet very early in the mornin rint:.“ thought”不宜翻译为“认为”,因为它在文中是表示 回想起、回忆起 2. as yet-until a particular time in the past直至过去某时 参考译文一:我想那是五月一个星期天的清晨;那天是复活节,而且 还是一大早天才朦朦亮的时候。 参考译文二:我想那是五月的一个周日的早晨;那天是复活节,一个 大清早上


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