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华东师范大学硕士学位论文 摘要 本次研究以都昌徐埠方言的三个具有上升段的上升/ 曲折调为研究对象,以 实验语音学和统计学为主要研究方法,对这三个调进行描写和分析,研究都昌徐 埠方言的声调的整体格局及其三个易混淆的上升声调的特征和差异,总结声调调 类的演变规律,并通过测量塞音、塞擦音的 VOT ,进一步讨论在语音演变过程 中都昌徐埠方言的声母和声调在声调对立中的协同作用。 本文主要分为四个章节: 第一章为绪论。介绍了都昌地理、历史及行政概况;简述了都昌方言的研究 概况,总结了都昌徐埠方言音系特点,并与前人研究成果对比分析,发现都昌方 言中的上升/ 曲折调的调类归并情况都不尽相同,存在一定的争议。最后,阐述了 本文的研究目的、内容和意义。 第二章为单字调基频实验研究。首先介绍了本文的实验设计,然后结合单字 调基频曲线图和调尾、基频拐点位置的统计分析,归纳出新、老派发音人的调类; 计算单字调基频样本的主体分布,作出主体分布图。 第三章为三个上升调的部分声母及声调与VOT 的关系。结合本文的实验, 证明了三个上升调正处于近似合并的过程之中 第四章是结语部分,总结了本文的研究成果和创新之处,并提出了本文的不 足之处。 关键词:赣语;实验;声调;VOT III 华东师范大学硕士学位论文 Abstract In this study, three rising / winding tones with rising segments in Duchang-Xubu dialect (a Gang Chinese dialect) are studied. Experimental phonetics and Statistics are used as the main research methods to describe and analyze these three tones . This paper studies the overall tone pattern of Duchang xubu dialect and the characteristics and differences of its three rising tones, sums up the rules of the evolution of tone types, and by measuring the VOT of stops and affricates, the paper further discusses the synergistic effect of initial consonants and tones in tone opposition in Duchang-Xubu dialect in the process of phonetic evolution. This article is divided into four chapters: The first chapter is the introduction. This chapter introduces the geography, history and administration of Duchang, briefly introduces previous researches of the Duchang dialect, sums up previous findings on its phonological features. By comparing previous research findings, it is found that previous classifications of Duchang rising / dipping tones are inconsistent, and the disagreements mainly falls on the rising/dipping tones. At last, this chapter expoun


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