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劳务协议书 Labor Service Agreement 甲方(单位名称): Party A (Compa ny Name): 乙方(劳务者姓名): Party B (Service provider Name): 性别: 男 身份证/护照号码: 联系电话: Gender: Male ID/Passport No.: Tel No. : 家庭住址: Home Address: 根据《中华人民共和国民法通则》 、《中华人民共和国合同法》和有关规定,甲乙双方经平等协商一致,自 愿签订本劳务协议,共同遵守本协议所列条款。 According to the "General Principles of Civil Law of the People's Republic of China", "Contract Law of the People's Republic of China ” and releva nt regulati ons, after equal n egotiati on. Both parties agree to sig n and comply with this labor service agreeme nt 第一条乙方承担的劳务内容为: 。甲乙双方可另行约定岗位具体职责及要求,详见职责说 明书,附件一。 Article 1 Party B'Sob duty is : Both parties agree on Job duties and requirement as in, Annex I, Job Description. 第二条 乙方的工作地点为: 根据甲方工作需要,经甲乙双方协调一致,可变更工作地点。 Article 2 Worki ng locati on of Party B is: , which can be cha nged on the basis of mutual agreeme nt as per Party A ' s bus in ess requireme nts. 第三条 本协议期限为自 年 年—月—日生效,至 年 年 月—日终止。 其中试用期从 —/ 年 —/_月_/— 日起至_/ 年_/_月 _/_日止。 Article 3, The Agreement period is from to . The probation is / month(s), from / to / . 第四条 在协议期间,甲方的责任和义务是: Article 4 During the agreement period, Party A ' s responsibilities and obligations are: 1、甲方按照规定安排乙方合理的休息时间,休息日有特殊情况安排工作的,乙方无条件上班,除春节外甲方 不另外支付加班报酬。 Party A shall arra nge Party B reas on able time for rest in accorda nee with the regulati ons. Party B shall work uncon diti on ally in rest days if there are special circumsta nces. In additi on to the Spri ng Festival Party B have no extra pay for overtime wages. 2、 甲方每月以货币或转账形式支付乙方工资报酬,月工资为 元。(具体参考本合同附件二,劳动 报酬协议) Party A pay remu nerati on with curre ncy or bank tran sfer to Party B mon thly, RMB Each mon th. ( refers to the Annex II--- Remu nerati on agreeme nt ) 3、 甲方不为乙方办理社会保险统筹。但根据实际情况,甲方可支付或补偿乙方自己购买的商业保险或社会保 险。 Party A does n ' t in clude Party B for social in sura nee. However, accord ing to th e actual situati on. Party A can pay or compe nsate for commercial in sura nee or social in sura nee Party B buys for himself. 4、 甲方为乙方提供上班所需用具。并根据国家及本市有关


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