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Niggar?d 解释 GRE 红宝书 ●n. 吝啬鬼 ●[英]n. 吝啬鬼 ( an extrem?ely stingy? person?) ●[记]nig ( 小, 小气) +gard -> 小气之人; ●[同]参考: slugga?rd ( 懒鬼) Webste?r Colleg?iate I. noun ●Etymol?ogy: Middle? Englis?h, of Scandi?navian? origin?; akin to Old Norse hn?ggr ~ly; akin to Old Englis?h hnēaw ~ly ●Date: 14th centur?y ●a meanly? coveto?us and stingy? person? ; miser ●?~ adject?ive II. verb ●Date: circa 1600 ●intran?sitive? verb m obsole?te to act ~ly ●transi?tive verb m obsole?te to treat in a ~ly manner? Niggli?ng 解释 GRE 红宝书 ●adj. 琐碎的 ●[英]adj. 琐碎的 ( petty; trivia?l; incons?equent?ial) ●[记]nig ( 小) +gle -> 在小事上费力? ●[例]niggli?ng remark?s / a niggli?ng job Webste?r Colleg?iate adject?ive ●Date: 1599 ●petty; also bother?some or persis?tent especi?ally in a petty or tireso?me way <~ injuri?es> ●?~ noun ●?~ly adverb? Nightm?are 解释 GRE 红宝书 ●n. 恶梦; 可怕的事 ●[英]n. 恶梦 ( a terrif?ying dream) ●[记]组合词: night+mare ( 母马, 恶魔) ; ●[同]参考: mare ( 母马) ●[例]I awoke scream?ing from a horrib?le nightm?are. Webste?r Colleg?iate noun ●Etymol?ogy: Middle? Englis?h, from [sup]1[/sup]night + [sup]1[/sup]mare ●Date: 14th centur?y ●1. an evil spirit? former?ly though?t to oppres?s people? during? sleep ●2. a fright?ening dream that usuall?y awaken?s the sleepe?r ●3. someth?ing (as an experi?ence, situat?ion, or object?) having? the monstr?ous charac?ter of a ~ or produc?ing a feelin?g of anxiet?y or terror? ●?~ adject?ive ●?nightm?arish adject?ive ●?nightm?arishl?y adverb? Nihili?sm 解释 GRE 红宝书 ●n. 虚无主义 ( 生存无意义) ;民粹主义 ( 消灭一切旧体?系建立新制度?) ●[记]nihil ( 无) +ism -> 虚无主义 ●[同]同根词: annihi?late ( 消灭) ; nihil ( 无, 虚无) Webste?r Colleg?iate noun ●Etymol?ogy: German? Nihili?smus, from Latin nihil nothin?g--more at nil ●Date: circa 1817 ●1. m a. a viewpo?int that tradit?ional values? and belief?s are unfoun?ded and that existe?nce is sensel?ess and useles?s m b. a doctri?ne that denies? any object?ive ground? of truth and especi?ally of moral truths? ●2. m a. a doctri?ne or belief? that condit?ions in the social? organi?zation? are so bad


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