营销策划 乐舜营销策划书.pdf

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营销策划 乐舜营销策划书 苹果醋 品牌推广策划书 策划单位: 策划客户: 乐舜苹果醋公司 策划书有限期: 2013-4-20 至 2014-5-19 概要 当今企业间的竞争已不仅仅局限在过去的产品营销模式, 更多的是转为对品牌的经营模式的竞争。苹果醋作为近几年一种 新生的饮料,逐渐在全国推广开来,然而并没有哪个品牌能在众 多竞争者中脱颖而出,得到社会大众的普遍认可。我们团队将以 推广以及打响“乐舜”品牌为根本目的 ,采取一系列的品牌推 广策略和市场营销策略使乐舜苹果醋“天然、养颜、时尚”的理 念被广大消费群体所认可,以提高乐舜苹果醋品牌知 名度以及消费者认知度。 我们秉承“没有最好,只有更好!”的团队理念,把我们满 腔的激情与热情献身于这次品牌营销中。 关键词:生存与竞争、苹果醋、乐舜、天然、养颜、时尚、 品牌推广策略、市场营销策略 SUMMARY The Eighth Session Brand Plan And Promotion Game of the Business Management Institute takes “ competition and survival” as its subject, which highlights the essence of actual commercial combat and reflects the present fierce competitions amongst industries. Now competitions between firms are not merely confined in the past product marketing patterns, instead more are transformed into the management pattern of brands. As a kind of newborn drink , the apple vinegar has been popular in recent years in China, nevertheless there is no brands blooming in the multitudinous competitors to obtain the universal approval in public. In this big game, our team will take promoting and popularizing the brand “ Le Shun” as the primary purpose, using a series of brand promotion and marketing strategies to make the idea “nature, beauty, fashion”of “Le Shun” apple vinegar acknowledged by the consumers in general, to enhance its brand well-knownness as well as the consumer cognition. We receive “there’s no best ,only better” as the team idea, and devote our wholehearted enthusiasm and passion to this brand plan and promotion game. Key words: competition and survival 、apple vinegar 、Le Shun 、nature 、beauty 、fashion 、brand promotion 、marketing strategies


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