2020湖南衡阳市中考英语二轮题型突破课件题型二 还原句子型阅读共30张.ppt

2020湖南衡阳市中考英语二轮题型突破课件题型二 还原句子型阅读共30张.ppt

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题型二 还原句子型阅读 01 中考示例 (2019· 赤峰 ) People spend almost a third of their lives doing one thing — sleeping.Every year , there is a special day for people around the world to celebrate the importance of good and healthy sleep — World Sleep Day. Sleep is like food for the brain.__1__ People of different ages need different amounts( 数量 )of sleep.According to the National Sleep Foundation( 国家睡眠基金会 )in the US , adults should get seven to eight hours of sleep a night.__2__ And school - aged children may need more than ten hours of sleep. __3__ The China Youth and Children Research Center said that about 80 percent of middle school students don't get enough sleep.It has influenced students' school life.__4__ They can't pay attention in class or do well in sports. To solve this problem , scientists advise that students should get less schoolwork and more time to sleep.__5__ Good sleep habits help a lot.For example , try to go to sleep and wake up at the same time every day , even on weekends and during holidays. A . Teenagers need nine to ten hours. B . If you sleep less , you'll get fatter and fatter. C . Enough sleep helps the brain and body grow. D . Taking a 20 - minute sleep at noon is also useful. E . Students without enough sleep may get poor grades. F . However , many students don't get enough sleep because of too much homework. 1 . ______ 2.______ 3.______ 4.______ 5.______ 【文章大意】 本文是一篇 说明文 。文章讲述了睡眠的 重要性 ,提出了 80% 的中学生 缺少睡眠,科学家建议学生应该少做作业,保证充足的睡眠。 【解析】 1 . C 根据第二段第一句“ Sleep is like food for the brain. ” 可知,本段 讲的是睡眠对大脑的好处, C 项符合 语境 。 2 . A 空格前后的句子分别讲的是成年人和上学的孩子一晚上需要的 睡眠时间。由此可知,空格处也是讲的 睡眠时间 , A 项符合语境。 3 . F 根据空格后一句可知, 80% 的中学生没有足够的睡眠。由此可 推知,空格处也是讲的学生睡眠不够的问题, F 项符合语境。 4 . E 空格前后句都是讲的关于睡眠不足对学生的不利影响。由此可 推知,空格处也是讲的睡眠不足对学生的不利影响, E 项符合语境。 5 . D 根据空格前一句可知,科学家建议学生应该少做作业, ( 从而 ) 有更多的睡眠时间。空格后面主要讲的是好的睡眠习惯。由此可推知, 空格处应讲的是有利于学生的 睡眠习惯 , D 项符合语境。 语言积累 单词 : importance n .重要性 enough adj. 足够的 influence v .影响 advise v . 建议 useful adj. 有用的,有益的 短语 : spend +时间+ doing sth. 花时间做某事 more t


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