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长沙商贸旅游职业技术学院技能竞赛 2014 年导游大赛英语口试问答题库 (本英语口语问答试题以及即兴英语演讲各十大题,均由赛前抽签决定任选一题回 答,中英文题目可提前公示给参赛选手,但标准答案保留。 ) 一、口语问答题库 1、 把客人从机场接到后送往酒店的途中, 请你致辞欢迎他们, 内 容应包括介绍自己、司机及下榻的酒店。 范文:欢迎大家来到长沙。请允许我作自我介绍,我是你们的全 程陪同,我叫 XX。我来自中国国际旅行社。 前面开车的是王师傅,他有多年的驾驶经验。现在我们要去的是即将下榻的酒店——华 天大酒店。希望你们在长沙能玩的愉快。 1、 Please make the Welcome Speech to the tourists on the way from the airport to the hotel. The contents include the introduction of yourself , the driver and the hotel . Model : Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Changsha of Chi na . First , please give me a change to introduce myself . I am the national guide .My name is ? I come from th e China International Tour Agency .The driver serve for us is Mr. Wang , he is a man of rich experiences of driv ing .Now we are going to the hotel named ____Huatian Hot el .I hope you will have a good time in Changsha . 2、 旅游者在不影响团体旅游计划的前提下要求自由活动时,地陪应做好哪些工作。 答:A、旅游者离开饭店时提醒他们带上饭店店徽、饭店名片或写字条。 B 、提醒他们不要走的太远,不要太晚回饭店及其它安全 注意事项。 C、地陪还应帮助旅游者找车辆 (车费由旅游者自付) 。 2、 What do you think a local guide should do when the to urists want to have free activities without affecting th e whole travel plan? Model : A : Remind the tourists of taking the sign or the name card of the hotel , or write a note with the important things . B :Remind them not go too far away and don ’ t come back so late . And then remind them something else about their safe. C : The local guide must help the tourists to take a taxi .( Pay the bill himself .) 3、作为地陪应如何认找旅游团? 答:旅游团所乘班次的客人出站时,地陪要设法尽快找到旅游团。A、地陪应举接站牌站在出口处明显的位置上,让领队或全陪前来联系; B、地陪应根据旅游者的民族特征、衣着、组团社的徽记等作出判断,或主动询问,问清该团领队(或客人)姓名、人数、国别、团名。C、一切相符合才能确定是自己所要接待的旅游团。 3、How to recognize the tour groups as a local guide ? Model : When the tour groups arrived at the exit ,the local guide must try to recognize it at once. A : The local guide should stand at the obvious place next to the exit and raise the sign ,wait the national guide or the travel leader to meet. B : The local guide can assess the situation according to t he national feature , costum


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