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倘若小宝宝患上了肺炎,爸爸妈妈就应该积极地配合医生来给宝宝进行治疗,与此同时,父母们还应该要注意对患肺炎的宝宝进行正确的护理工作,这样才可以让宝宝尽早地痊愈。那么宝宝肺炎具体应该如何护理呢?护理患肺炎宝宝有什么方面需要特别注意的呢? 宝宝肺炎应该怎么样护理? 一,保证充分休息与睡眠: 各项检查处置应集中进行,避免过多哭闹,以减少耗氧量和减轻心脏负担。 二,保持室内空气新鲜: 冬天屋内要经常通风换气,但应注意避免对流风,患儿要注意保暖。夏天暑热,可用被单将患儿包好,抱至室外阴处乘凉,使之吸入新鲜空气,改善缺氧。 三,发热护理: 1. 痰热闭肺型患儿,高热无汗,可用冰袋或湿毛巾敷前额。 2. 风寒闭肺型患儿,服宣肺散寒药后,稍加盖被,服热稀粥,以助汗出。应以微汗出为宜,避免风吹。此时若高热汗多,可用干毛巾擦拭,不要用冷水擦浴或冰敷,以防腠理骤闭,邪气不能外达。 爱心支招: 宝宝肺炎了,给其进行合理的饮食安排很重要。应该给肺炎宝宝富含维生素的流食,比方说牛奶,母乳,果汁,或是菜水等。由于发烧高热会增快呼吸,这样宝宝丢失的水分就会比较多。因此应该给宝宝适当地补充多一点的水分。此外,不宜给肺炎宝宝喂食脂肪较多或是辛辣的食物。倘若宝宝属于重症型肺炎,在喂水,喂食,喂药的时候,应该把宝宝斜着抱起,以防止宝宝误吸而导致窒息的情况发生。 淘宝网聚划算/If the baby suffering from pneumonia, parents should actively cooperate with the doctor for treatment, give the baby at the same time, parents should also pay attention to the pneumonia baby nursing work correctly, so that it can let the baby as soon as possible to cure. Then the baby pneumonia concrete should be how to care? Nursing care of patients with pneumonia baby what need special attention? The baby pneumonia should be how to care? First, ensure adequate rest and sleep: The inspection should be centralized disposal, avoid excessive crying, in order to reduce the oxygen consumption and reduce the burden on the heart. Two, maintain indoor air fresh: Winter indoor ventilation should always, but should pay attention to avoid air convection, patients should pay attention to keep warm. Summer heat, will be available in children with sheet wrapped, hold to the outdoor shade shade, to breathe the fresh air, improve hypoxia. Three, fever, nursing: The 1 type of phlegm heat obstructing the lung in children with high fever, no sweat, available ice or wet towel forehead. 2 cold shuts the lung in children, clothing Xuanfei scattered cold medicine, a little cover, service hot gruel, to help sweating. Should be based on the micro sweating is appropriate, avoid wind to blow. If the high fever sweat is much, can use dry towel wipe, do not use cold water bath or ice, to prevent the striae suddenly closed, evi


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