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第 24 课时 Units 8( 九上 ) 基础检测清单 词 汇 拓 展 1. miss v. → ( adj. ) 缺少的 ; 丢失的 2. true adj. → ( n. ) → ( adv. ) 3. heavy adj. → ( adv. ) 4. crime n. → ( adj. ) 5. safe adj. → ( n. ) 6. thief n. → ( n. ) 偷窃 7. tidy adj. → ( 反义词 ) missing truth truly heavily criminal safety theft untidy 词 汇 拓 展 8. enemy n . → ( 复数 ) 9. probable adj. → ( adv. ) 10. lie v. 撒谎 → ( 过去式 ) → ( 过去分词 ) → ( 现在分词 ) → ( n. ) 谎言 11. steal v. → ( 过去式 ) → ( 过去分词 ) 12. shut v. → ( 现在分词 ) → ( 过去式 ) → ( 过去分词 ) stole stolen shutting shut shut enemies probably lied lied lying lie 词 汇 拓 展 13. wealth n. → ( adj. ) → ( 比较级 ) → ( 最高级 ) * 一位有巨额财富的男人 14. bleed v. → ( 过去式 ) → ( 过去分词 ) 15. boss n . → ( 复数 ) 16. report v . → ( n. ) 记者 bled bled bosses reporter wealthy wealthier wealthiest a man of great wealth 短 语 归 纳 1. 穿得像…… 2. 不见了 3. 一位电脑工程师 4. 首席侦探 5. 做笔记 6. 说实话 7. 气喘吁吁 8. 安全提示 9. 用英语写侦探故事 10. 无犯罪记录 11. 与……和睦相处 12. 在肉食场工作 13. 树敌 be dressed like … go missing a computer engineer chief detective make notes tell the truth breathe heavily safety tips write detective stories in English no criminal record get along/on with work in a meat market make enemies 短 语 归 纳 14. 急忙 , 赶快 15. 关闭所有窗户 16. 原来是 , 结果是 17. 强行闯入 18. 坐牢 19. 导致 20. 与……无关 in a hurry shut all the windows turn out break into in prison lead to have nothing to do with … 句 型 再 现 1. 他看起来邋遢还紧张兮兮的。 He looks and . 2. 我们现在正在检查现场 , 查找更多有助于破案的线索。 We're now more clues which will help . 3. 受害人被人用刀刺伤 , 结果失血过多而死。 The victim and . untidy nervous checking the scene for solve the case was wounded with a knife bled to death as a result 句 型 再 现 4. 他急匆匆去赶公交车。 He was . 5. 陆警探说:“他被指控在去年一年中闯入数个电脑系统。” “ He several computer systems over the last year, ” said Detective Lu. 6. 据证实 , 他与这件案子无关。 Well, it that he this case. 7. 我认为我们需要防范周围任何可能的危险。 I think we need to around us. in a hurry to catch the bus was charged with breaking into turned out had nothing to do with guard against any possible danger 句 型 再 现 8. 布鲁斯和所有的邻居都相处和睦 , 除了住在隔壁的那个男


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