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2020-2021学年高二上学期开学考试 英语试题 (时间:120分钟 总分:150分) 第一部分 阅读理解:总计40分 第一节(包括4个阅读理解,共15个小题,每小题2分,共计30分) A Airport Express With the Airport Express, you are never far from town. There is a train every 10 minutes, ready to rush you between the airport and Hong Kong Station in the heart of the shopping and commercial district in about 24 minutes. Or travel to the AsiaWorld-Expo in just 1 minute from the airport. Airport Express service hours Mon.-Fri.: 5:50am to 1:15am Sat.-Sun.: 5:00am to 2:00am Tickets There are three types of ticket for travelling to and from the Airport: Single Journey, Round Trip and Same Day Return. Single Journey Ticket and Same Day Return Ticket are valid on day of issue. Round Trip Ticket is valid for 30 days from day of issue. You can also use the Octopus Card for the Airport Express. (The Octopus Card is an electronic store-value ticket and it can be used on most public transport. The fare will be deducted from the stored value each time, so you do not have to carry heavy coins. The card is valid for three years after value has been added.) Travel tips ???Children under 3 travel for free. ???Passengers travelling on the Airport Express are now able to write email and do online searches with Wi-Fi service. ???For more information about Airport Express, please visit or call 00852 1. What is good about the Octopus Card? A. It saves money for its users.?????? ?????? ?????? ?????? B. It is sold in every store. C. Its validity is unlimited.????? ?????? ?????? ?????? ?????? D. It avoids its users carrying coins. 2. What can you know about Airport Express? A. Hong Kong Station is just 1 minute distance from the airport. B. Passengers can surf the Internet on the Airport Express. C. Children are free of charge for tickets. D. Single Journey Ticket is acceptable for 30 days. 3. What is the main purpose of the passage? A. To provide suggestions about the Airport Express. B. To promote the Octopus Card. C. To inform readers of the Airport Express servi


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