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Revision -Subjunctive- Mood (虚拟语气) Model ll nit 2 1毕业文凭 diploma2使恢复精力 refresh3保守的 conservative 4标点符号 punctuation5电器开关 switch6交通环 roundabout 7参加生活实践年 take a gap year8脱口而出 off the top of ones head 9心慌,紧张 have butterflies in one s head 10考虑到 make allowance(s)for11直视某人 look sb. in the eye(s) 12.取后续行动 follow sth up13.使某人略占优势 give sb. the edge 14十分容易 as easy as pie15作为对…的回应 in response to 16四面八方 every point of the compass17赢得一份工作 land a job 18没必要做某事 there is no need to do sth 英语动词有三种语气: 陈述语气( Declarative mood), 祈使语气( Imperative Mood) 虚拟语气( Subjunctive-Mood) Definition: Subjunctive-Mood states a condition or situation that is not real or is imaginary. 虚拟语气的考点( Examination point 1、一般条件句中虚拟语气的用法 2、条件句中虚拟语气的倒装; 3、名词性从句中虚拟语气的用法 4、几种特殊结构中虚拟语气用法; 5、虚拟语气与陈述语气的判定。 Revision- Subjunctive-Moo(虚拟语气): 用于虚拟条件句 unrea| conditionals) 用于从句:主从、宾从、表从、同从、状 从、定从 l用于几种特殊结构中 虚拟条件句( Unreal conditionals) (条件从句+主句)3种 条件从句If从句中的谓 语形式 主白中的谓语形式 与现在事(did/were)ould/ could/should 实相反 血ight+V.(原) 过去 (had+ p.p. would/could/should/ might have + p.p. 1. did would/could/should/ 将来 2 should+V.migt+.(原) 3 were to do 1. If I had the chance, I might want to be a translator.与现在事实相反( nreal present condition) 2. If I were you, I would give Aids patient a hug. 3.If it should rain tomorrow, they wouldnt go for an outing.与来来事实相反( unreal future condition) 4.I think we could do it, if we planned it properly and could borrow the tools 5. If I had taken your advice, I wouldnt have made a mistake.与过去事实相反 unreal past condition) 6. If he had been there, it wouldnt have happened. 虚拟语气的条件句需注意以下几点: 1错综时间条件句队从句: had done 主句: would do 2.含蓄条件句 3.条件句中虚拟语气的倒装 4.省略主句的条件句 if only 1.错综时间条件句( Conditionals of mixed time) 条件句中的从句和主句所表示的时间不一致 1)如果我是你,我就不会错过昨天晚上的那部电影。 If Iwereyou, I wouldnt have missed _the film last night 2)如果他遵照医生的劝告,现在病就好了。 If he had followed the doctor s advice he would recover already 2含蓄条件句( Implied Conditionals) 有时句中没有条件句,其内容暗含在短语如with,


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