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. BusyBox 配置菜单的详细选项 1 Busybox Settings > 2 General Configuration > 3 [ ] Enable options for full-blown desktop systems 4 [ ] Provide compatible behavior for rare corner cases (bigger code) 5 [ ] Assume that 1:1 char/glyph correspondence is not true 6 Buffer allocation policy (Allocate with Malloc) > 7 Show terse applet usage messages 8 [*] Show verbose applet usage messages 9 [*] Store applet usage messages in compressed form 10 [*] Support --install [-s] to install applet links at runtime 11 [*] Enable locale support (system needs locale for this to work) 12 [*] Support for --long-options 13 [*] Use the devpts for Unix98 PTYs 14 [ ] Clean up all memory before exiting (usually not needed) 15 [*] Support writing pidfiles 16 Support for SUID/SGID handling 17 [*] Runtime SUID/SGID configuration via /etc/busybox.conf 18 [*] Suppress warning message if /etc/busybox.conf is not readable 19 [ ] Support NSA Security Enhanced Linux 20 [ ] exec prefers applets 21 (/proc/self/exe) Path to BusyBox executable 22 Build Options > 23 [*] Build BusyBox as a static binary (no shared libs) //选用静态链接 24 [ ] Force NOMMU build 25 [*] Build with Large (for accessing files > 2 GB) 26 () Cross Compiler prefix //指定交叉编译工具的路径,也可以直接修改 Makefile 文件 27 Debugging Options > 28 [ ] Build BusyBox with extra Debugging symbols 29 [ ] Abort compilation on any warning 30 Additional debugging library (None) > 31 [*] Enable obsolete features removed before SUSv3? 32 Installation Options > 33 [*] Don't use /usr //不选该项, BusyBox 将默认安装到原系统的 /usr 目录下面,这将覆盖掉系统原有的命令。 34 Applets links (as soft-links) > 35 (./_install) BusyBox installation prefix 36 Busybox Library Tuning > 37 (6) Minimum password length 38 (2) MD5: Trade Bytes for Speed 39 [*] Faster /proc scanning code (+100 bytes) 40 [*] Support for /etc/networks 41 [*] Command line editing 42 (1024) Maximum length of input 43 [*] vi-style line editing commands 44 (15) History size 45 [*] History saving 46 [*] Tab completion 47 [*] Username completion 48 [*]


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