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通用企业劳资管理系统 摘 要 劳资管理是企业管理一个关键分支。劳资管理系统就是用电脑替换大量人工统计,完成众多信息处理,方便、正确度高,且能够长久保留。劳资管理系统是经典信息管理系统(MIS),其开发关键包含后台数据库建立和维护和前端应用程序开发两个方面。对于前者要求建立起数据一致性和完整性强、数据安全性好库。而对于后者则要求应用程序功效易使用等特点。经过分析,本系统使用Microsoft Visual Studio20XX集成开发环境下ASP.NET技术,并以SQL Server20XX作为后台数据库,努力争取使系统愈加人性化。本系统基础上能满足现代企业劳资管理需求,劳资管理系统中使用多种表格,保留职员考勤、工资等相关个人信息,方便查询、浏览、修改等操作。本文分别从绪论、需求分析、系统总体设计、系统具体设计四大部分对系统设计进行了具体说明。 关键词:数据库;SQL Server20XX;ASP.NET;劳资管理 General System for Business Administration of Labour and Salary Abstract As a vital part of business management, administration of labor and salary harbors the concept of substituting manual record with computer so that a huge amount of information can be processed with high degree of convenience, accuracy and longevity. The system for administration of labor and salary, a typical information management system(MIS), mainly involves two sections of development including the setup of a background database and the development of front-end application programs. The first one entails that a base should be built with data of such qualities as high consistency, complicity and security. While for the latter one, user-friendly of application programs is a virtue which is the most concerning part. After analysing, the system uses the technology of ASP.NET, which lies in the IDE of Microsoft Visual Studio20XX, and the system is based on the SQL Server20XX as its database. I try to make the system more humanity. This system can basically satisfy the demand of modern business administration of labor and salary, such as different forms it needs, safe keeping of relevant information concerning staff’s attendance, salary, etc., facilitation of manipulation of checking, browsing, updating and so on. The paper discusses the system design by talking about the Introduction, needs analysis, system design, system design in detail. Key words: Database;SQL Server20XX;ASP.NET;Administration of labor and salary 目录 TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u 1绪论 1 1.1系统开发背景 1 1.2系统开发目标 1 1.3系统开发


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