金苹果 英中PPT教材.ppt

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The golden apple and the Trojan War 金革果与特谘伊战争 Pa hero achilles humans and sea goddess thetis (their son is the trojan war hero achilles the greatest greek) married, and do not forget to invite the goddess Eris, so with the Golden apple sto 译文:人类英雄帕琉斯和海洋女神 忒提斯(他们的儿子就是特洛亚战 争中的希腊最伟大英雄阿喀琉斯) 结婚时,忘了邀请不和女神厄里斯, 于是有了金苹果的故事。 The goddess threw a golden apple at the wedding, says, "gave the most beautiful people, "God, Hera, goddess of wisdom Athena, goddess of war and justice and Eros aphrodite to snatch the apple occurred the dispute. Finally, they are looking to the world the trojan prince Paris iudgment for them 不和女神在婚礼上扔下一个金苹果, 上面写着“送给最美的人”,神后 赫拉、智慧女神与正义战争女神雅 典娜和爱神阿佛洛狄忒为抢夺这个 苹果而发生了争执。最后,她们到 人间寻找了特洛伊王子帕里斯为她 们作出判决。 Hera promised to paris, said am the father of gods Zeus wife Hera you put the golden apple award of me then you can rule the earth's richest countries 赫拉对帕里斯许诺, 我是万 神之父宙斯的妻子赫拉。你把这 个金苹果判给我,那么你就可以 统治地上最富有的国家 Athena's promise is: I am Athena. goddess of wisdom, if you judged y me the most beautiful, then you will be the most intelligente human beings who is known for. "43 雅典娜的许诺是:“我是智慧 女神雅典娜,假如你判定我最 美丽,那么,你将以人类忠暈 富有智慧者而出名。 Eros aphrodite smiled sweetly spoke: Do not be tempted to those sweet promise is unreliable as i am willing to give you a gift, it will bring you happiness let you enjoy happiness. love i would like to put the world' s most beautiful woman Helen gave you a wife, I was aphrodite e goddess of love specially!


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