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经典专科、本科、硕博、研究生、期刊毕业论文 仅供参考 精心整理 仅供参考 勿用作商业用途 我国中小银行发展的机遇与挑战 学生姓名: 指导教师姓名: 摘 要 利率作为宏观调控的重要变量,在经济活动中一直扮演着重要的角色。我国加入世界贸易组织之后,金融市场也在不断开放,我国政府曾作出决策,金融产业将走向国际化与市场化,在这项决策的推动下,新的金融服务、金融产品以及金融理念都在不断的丰富和提升,在这种利率市场化的浪潮中,金融产业的面貌、状态及形式都有了新的改变,尤其是中小商业银行,多样、灵活、细致的特征是这些中小商业银行远超大型商业银行的优势。 利率市场化必将对我国商业银行的持续稳定发展产生深远影响,给对中小商业银行带来诸多机遇与挑战,笔者选择利率市场化对我国中小商业银行经营机遇与挑战作为此次研究的对象。在本篇论文中,笔者从利率市场化对中小商业银行的影响出发,阐明国内外研究现状,指出我国中小商业银行经营的现状以及存在的主要问题,接着从利率市场化的发展趋势出发,分析出利率市场化对中小商业银行的经营影响,从机遇与挑战两方面进行全面剖析。接着借鉴国外中小商业银行面对利率市场化采取的措施,依据我国的实际情况,从国家、金融机构以及中小商业银行自身出发,提出笔者的建议与意见。希望此论文可以给中小商业银行面对利率市场化当采取何种措施提供一些借鉴。 关键词:利率市场化;中小商业银行;金融创新;机遇;挑战 Opportunities and Challenges for the Development of China's Small and Medium Banks Name of Student Name of Tutor Abstract Interest rate as an important variable of macroeconomic regulation and control has always played an important role in economic activities. After China's accession to the world trade organization, the financial market is also opening up. Our government has made a decision. The financial industry will be internationalized and marketed. Under the impetus of this decision, the new financial services, financial products and financial ideas are constantly enriched and promoted in this wave of interest rate marketization. There are new changes in the appearance, state and form of the financial industry, especially the small and medium commercial banks. The diversity, flexibility and meticulous characteristics are the advantages of these small and medium commercial banks far beyond the large commercial banks. The interest rate marketization will have a far-reaching impact on the sustained and stable development of our commercial banks, and bring many opportunities and challenges to the small and medium commercial banks. The author chooses the effect of interest rate marketization on the operation of small and medium commercial banks in China and the countermeasures and suggestions as the object of this study. In this paper, the author starts with the im


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