牛津深圳版(广州沈阳通用)七年级英语下Module 2 Unit 3 ---grammar 教学课件.pptVIP

牛津深圳版(广州沈阳通用)七年级英语下Module 2 Unit 3 ---grammar 教学课件.ppt

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Task 1 1、你能亲自帮他辅导他的英语吗? (help sb with---) Can you help him with his English by yourself? 2、 她5年前就开始自学法语了, 所以现在她的法语比我的好多了。 (teach oneself sth) She taught herself French five years ago, so now her French is much better than mine. It is lunch time and you are hungry, but your parents aren’t at home and you don’t have any money. what will you do? Your friend will have a long holiday in France tomorrow, what will you say when he/she is leaving? Reflexive pronouns I will cook lunch by myself. I will say “Enjoy yourself.” 与反身代词搭配的常见短语: by oneself enjoy oneself help oneself to hurt oneself teach oneself Say/ talk to oneself look after oneself take care of oneself 独自 玩得高兴 随便吃点 伤着自己 自学 自言自语 照顾好自己 Write complete sentences with the correct reflexive pronouns. Add any other necessary words. we enjoyed/ on/beach /yesterday 2. take care /children/ can/of/the We enjoyed ourselves on the beach yesterday. The children can take care of themselves. Task 2 Turn to P36, Book A and complete a,b,c with reflexive pronouns. Grammar exercise ourselves themselves yourselves Look at the pictures below and fill in the blanks with the correct reflexive pronouns. 为---感到自豪 请随便吃--- myself herself Grammar exercise himself itself yourself Grammar exercise [‘m?r?]? Task 3: Complete the passage with the proper pronouns: (用适当的代词填空) John was a blind man, so ______ couldn’t go anywhere by _______. One day he stayed at a hotel with ______ guide dog Charlie. Not long after John fell asleep, Charlie started to bark, because the hotel was on fire. Luckily the fireman came on time and got both of _________ out of the window and _______ were both safe. Charlie saved not only _______ but also ______ owner(主人). he his them they itself its himself Where is the mouse? Prepositions of position(方位介词) It is in a bowl. It is on a shelf. We use prepositions of position to talk about where somebody or something is. bowl shelf Prepositions of position(方位介词) It is next to/beside an apple. It is unde


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