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* 3. 动词转译成介词短语 1)一座跨越杭州湾的大桥已开始建筑。 A bridge has been under construction which will span the Hangzhou Bay. 2)这份报告虽然很长,但不切要领,我看不懂。 Although the report is very long, it is beside the point and beyond my comprehension. 3)我谨代表全公司,感谢你所做的所有工作。 On behalf of the entire company, I would like to thank you for all your work. 4)我们全体赞成他的建议。 We were in favour of his suggestion. 3. 词类转译——汉译英的词类转换 ︵。︵ * 4. 动词转为形容词 1)他害怕蜘蛛。 He’s afraid of spiders. 2)他热爱科学研究,但对提升职称不感兴趣。 He is keen on scientific research but indifferent to promotion. 3)他一点都不清楚自己想过什么样的生活。 He isn’t at all clear about what he wants to do with his life. 3. 词类转译——汉译英的词类转换 ︵。︵ * 5. 动词转为副词 1)你们现在得走了。 You must be off now. 2)演出已经开始了。 The performance is on. 3. 词类转译——汉译英的词类转换 6. 形容词转为名词 那个家伙笨的出奇。 That fellow is a typical fool. ︵。︵ * 翻译时未进行词类转译 例(1) She was standing almost directly behind the girl, a woman well past 40, her graying hair under a worn hat. [译1] 她站在那姑娘的身后,几乎紧挨着她。那 是一位有四十好几的妇女,一顶旧帽子的 下面是她正在变灰的头发。 [译2] 她站在那姑娘的身后,几乎紧挨着她。那 是一位有四十好几的妇女,一顶旧帽子遮 盖了她的灰发。 3. 词类转译——误译 ︵。︵ * 翻译时未进行词类转译 例(2) Of Human Bondage, it was; and throughout the book were notes in a woman's writing. [译1] 这本书是“人性枷锁”,书中从头到尾都是 一个女人笔迹的评注。 [译2] 这本书叫“人性枷锁”,书中从头到尾都是 一个女人所写的评注。 例(3) Family labor frequently makes up a large part of the labor force, especially on average-sized farms. [译1] 家人常常占劳动力的大部分,特别是在中 等大小的农场。 [译2] 家人常常是主要的劳动力,特别是在中等 大小的农场里。 3. 词类转译——误译 ︵。︵ * Directions: Translate the following English sentences into Chinese. Pay special attention to the adjectives and adverbs in the sentences. 1)Drunken drivers pose a serious threat to other road users. (名词——动词) 酒后驾车者严重威胁其他道路使用者。 2)Could you give me a quick explanation of how it works? (名词——动词) 你能扼要地向我解释一下它的工作原理吗? 3. 词类转译——翻译练习 三、翻译练习 ︵。︵ * 3)She left the city where she had lived all her life without a ba


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