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考研英语写作押题密训 --朱伟老师最后点题 2014年12月27日 (包含英语一和英语二) 高分作文三件事: 审题,句法,结构 审题  Warm-up 句法篇 简单句 复杂句  In China, many undergraduates feel helpless to choose their goal.  In China, many undergraduates feel helpless to choose their goal.  In China, 40% more or less of undergraduates feel helpless to choose their goal.  In China, 40% more or less of undergraduates feel helpless to choose their goal.  In China, 40% more or less of undergraduates feel helpless in the face of whether to graduate for a job or to pursue a higher degree.  In China, 40% more or less of undergraduates feel helpless in the face of whether to graduate for a job or to pursue a higher degree.  It is unveiled by a recent survey that in China, 40% more or less of undergraduates feel helpless in the face of whether to graduate for a job or to pursue a higher degree.  It is unveiled by a recent survey that in China, 40% more or less of undergraduates feel helpless in the face of whether to graduate for a job or to pursue a higher degree.  It is unveiled by a recent survey initiated by China Daily that in China, 40% more or less of undergraduates investigated feel helpless in the face of whether to graduate for a job or to pursue a higher degree. (二)结构篇 必背范文 大作文(图表漫画类) 图表作文(英语二、英语一) 200字左右  What  Why / effect  Conclusion What 描写数据 (先写总的趋势,再写细节) What 描写数据 (先写总的趋势,再写重要细节) 开头: In this chart, we can figure out that… / Elaborately and luminously, these two pie charts display the proportion distribution/the quantities’ fluctuation of … , which… Analyses 分析规律,对比原因  引句:I intend to make some further analyses as follows. 分析结论:Actually, it is hardly necessary for us to think twice before figuring out this truth of matter that … Conclusion: 大胆下结论,预测趋势 Conclusion: 大胆下结论,预测趋势



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