学前幼儿英语教育 Unit 7 Leaving the Kindergarten Unit 7 Leaving.ppt

学前幼儿英语教育 Unit 7 Leaving the Kindergarten Unit 7 Leaving.ppt

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Unit 7 Leaving (离园) 经过本单元的学习,学生应: 1) 能用简单的英语组织离园活动; 2) 能用本单元单词、短语、句子创编对话。 Teaching Aims (教学目标) Unit 10 Leaving (离园) Key Sentences (重点句型) Dialogues (对话) Extensive Sentences (拓展句型) Practice (操练) Fun Time (开心一刻) Section One Key Sentences (重点句型) 1. Today, your homework is drawing a picture of your family. 今天你们的家庭作业是画一张你家的全家福。 2. I’ll keep it in mind. 我会记得的。 3. Please take your bag with you. 请带上你的书包。 4. I’ll remember that. 我会记得的。 5. The ground is wet. Mind your steps, please. 地面滑,请小心脚下。 Dialogue 1 Teacher: Today, your homework is drawing a picture of your family. Children: I’ll keep it in mind. Teacher: That’s all for today. Please tidy up the clothes. Children: We are ready, Madam. Teacher: Please take your bag with you. Children: Thank you. Teacher: Tom, your mummy has arrived. Mary, your daddy is here. Parent: Say bye-bye to your teacher. Children: Bye-bye, Madam. Teacher: Bye-bye, honey. Section Two Dialogues (对话) Dialogue?1 译文 Words Notes 师:今天你们的作业是画一张你家的全家福。 幼:我会记得的。 师:今天就到这儿,完了。请大家把衣服整理好。 幼:老师,我们准备好了。 师:请带上你的书包。 幼:谢谢。 师:汤姆,你妈妈来了。玛丽,你爸爸在这里。 父/母:向你老师说一声再见。 幼:再见,老师。 师:再见,宝贝。 Section Two Dialogues (对话) Dialogue?1 译文 Words Notes 1. in mind 心里想着某人或某事 e.g. What price range do you have in mind? 你心中的价格范围是多少? Linda, do you have anyone in mind? 琳达,你心中已有人选了吗? Section Two Dialogues (对话) Dialogue?1 译文 Words Notes 2. That’s all. 就这样。常用于一阶段的工作结束时。 e.g. Well, you look familiar, that’s all. 嗯,你看起来很熟悉,就是这样。 Section Two Dialogues (对话) Dialogue?1 译文 Words Notes Dialogue 2 Teacher: It’s time to go home. Please get your things done up. Children: Done, Madam. Teacher: Let me see. Please bring your artwork tomorrow morning. Children: I’ll remember that. Teacher: The ground is wet. Mind your steps, please. Children: Thank you. Bye-bye, Madam. Teacher: Say good-bye to your classmates, please. (Children say good-bye to each other.) Teacher: See you tomorrow. Children: See you, Madam.



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