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学 海 无 涯 2016 年 初 一 新 生 综 合 素 质 测 试英 语 试 卷(时间:30 分钟 满分 100 分)(答案写在答题卷上)一、单项选择(20?)1. Peter is . He speaks .A. American, American B. America, EnglishMy cousin is a boy.A. 16 years old B. 16-year-oldWhat you to do tomorrow?A. do, go B. are, goingJack wants to write e-mail to his friend.C. English, EnglishC. 16-years-oldC. did, goA. aMy birthday is March 18th.A. onB. anC. /B. inC. at6. I want to buy some presents my parents.A. give a lovely girl!A. WhatB. toC. forB. HowC. What’s8. adults and children like the stories from Aesop’s Fables.A. Both is a Western festival.A. Mid-Autumn FestivalB. All C. DoB. Dragon Boat FestivalC. EasterDon’t the paper. I can make a plane with it.A. give up B. throw away C. blow off二、用所给词的恰当形式填空(30?) you (swept) the floor yesterday?In the future, I (have) two children.Sam is a basketball fan. He always (play) basketball after school.An oil painting is usually (colour).Our teacher always asks us to (did) more exercises.Look at me and listen to me (careful).初一新生英语测试卷 第 页 (共 4 页)学 海 无 涯 Which (photo) do you like, the ones on the left or the ones on the right?–Where is your brother, Lucy?–He (make) a model in the bedroom.This is Donny’s pen. Please give it to (he).Do you see the sign? No (park).This lunchbox isn’t (your).Miss Chen is a new (waiter) in this restaurant.After you finish (read) the book, you (learn) a lot from it.I really like football. It is so (excited).Bob is (young) than Fred.Peter is good at (swim). He can swim (good).–Who (write) this story? Anderson? –Yes. He was great.It’s the (two) time for me to visit Shanghai.All of them enjoy (eat) hamburgers.I don’t want to go to sleep. I’d like (watch) TV.Is there (some) special food in this restaurant?I can’t find my umbrella. It (is) here ten minutes ago.There (are) a computer and two fans in the room.These blue pants are my (father).The child (be) from Shandong.Can you (sing) in English?We are from different (country).三、按要求改写句子(16?)Whose puzzles are these? (改为单数句子)She bought


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