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The following appeared as part of a memorandum from the vice president of Nostrum, a large pharmaceutical corporation: “The proposal to increase the health and retirement benefits that our employees receive should not be implemented at this time. An increase in these benefits is not only financially unjustified, since our last year’s profits were lower than those of the preceding year, but also unnecessary, since our chief competitor, Panacea, offers its employees lower health and retirement benefits than we currently offer. We can assume that our employees are reasonably satisfied with the health and retirement benefits that they now have since a recent survey indicated that two-thirds of the respondents viewed them favorably.” 以下文字摘自一家名为Nostrum的大型制药公司的副总裁的备忘录: 当前不应当实施增加雇员医疗和退休福利的提案。由于我们公司去年的利润比较少,这些福利的增加既不符合经济上的考量,也是没有必要的,因为我们的主要竞争对手panacea公司给雇员发放的医疗和退休福利比我们公司目前发放的要少。我们可以认定,我们的雇员对他们目前得到的医疗和退休福利是相当满意的,因为最近的一次调查表明,三分之二的受访者对医疗和退休福利状况都持赞成态度。 前提 经济上不允许 论据 1利润少 前提 没必要 论据 2 P公司的案例分析 论据 3 调查统计数据 结论 不通过 削弱1 调查统计数据无法支持论点( )——应该通过 2/3 的员工?—— 削弱2 P公司的案例不能作为参考()——应该通过 削弱3 利润少的原因——()——应该通过 In the argument,the vice president of N company, a large pharmaceutical enterprise, rejected the proposal that intended to formulate implementation of the health and retirement benefits of N employees. The line of thoughts was supported by two reasons: case review of P, one of N'S biggest competitors, who cut health and retirement pensions to a lower level than present N'S, and a "survey" data suggesting that two-thirds of respondents favorable of the managers disapproval. The argument is invalid for a couple of reasons. The decision of abolishing health care proposal originated from a mere survey suggesting two-thirds of the respondent agree with the managerial behaviour, according to the memorandum. It is clear that the data presented are intended to assume that all respondents represents personnel leaning within the corporation. However, that may not necessarily be the situation.


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