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暑期原汁原味赏析报刊特训专辑day4: 中国国家最高荣誉推荐人选公布给公众: 钟南山入围“共和国勋章” 课前导读: 中国国家最高荣誉推荐人选公布给公众: “共和国勋章”建议人选为钟南山,钟南山长期致力于重大呼吸系统疾病的研究、预防与治疗,为抗击新冠肺炎做出了重要贡献。 China on Monday released a list of recommended candidates for highest state honors, and invited public opinions about it, according to a working committee on the Party and state medals and honorary titles. Zhong Nanshan, who has been committed to the study, prevention and treatment of major respiratory diseases and significantly contributed to the COVID-19 fight, was recommended for the Medal of the Republic nomination, said the working committee. Zhang Boli, Zhang Dingyu and Chen Wei, all of whom played an important role in the fight against COVID-19, were shortlisted for national honorary titles, it added. Zhang Boli, an academician with the Chinese Academy of Engineering, has been devoted to the study of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). He led the formulation of the TCM treatment protocol for COVID-19 patients and offered guidance on TCM treatment for COVID-19 patients. Zhang Dingyu, head of Jinyintan Hospital, one of the designated hospitals for COVID-19 patients in Wuhan, has been leading the treatment of COVID-19 patients in the city once hard hit by the epidemic, the working committee said. Chen Wei, a researcher with the Institute of Military Medicine under the Academy of Military Sciences, has earned major achievements in basic research and development of vaccines and drugs against COVID-19. 基础知识板块: I.根据汉语写出下列单词。 r_____________ vt发布 r___________ adj.推荐的 c___________ n.候选人 c___________ adj.忠诚的;奉献的; 坚定的;效忠的;承担义务的; r___________ adj.呼吸系统的 s______________________ adv重大意义的 s___________ adj入围的;?筛选后的(候选人名单) a___________ n院士 f___________ n配方 p___________ n.协议 d___________ adj.指定的 e___________ n.疫情 v___________ n.疫苗 p___________ adj.著名的 n___________被提名的adj. p___________极高的 o___________杰出的 II.重点短语双语自由互译。 _________________________________发布推荐的候选人名单 _____________________________国家最高荣誉 _____________________________荣誉称号 _



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