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Internet Protocol (IP) Part of TCP/IP Used by the Internet Specifies interface with higher layer e.g. TCP Specifies protocol format and mechanisms IP Services Primitives Functions to be performed Form of primitive implementation dependent e.g. subroutine call Send Request transmission of data unit Deliver Notify user of arrival of data unit Parameters Used to pass data and control info Parameters (1) Source address Destination address Protocol Recipient e.g. TCP Type of Service Specify treatment of data unit during transmission through networks Identification Source, destination address and user protocol Uniquely identifies PDU Needed for re-assembly and error reporting Send only Parameters (2) Don’t fragment indicator Can IP fragment data If not, may not be possible to deliver Send only Time to live Send only Data length Option data User data Type of Service Precedence 8 levels Reliability Normal or high Delay Normal or low Throughput Normal or high Options Security Source routing Route recording Stream identification Timestamping IP datagram format Header Fields (1) Version Currently 4 IP v6 - see later Internet header length In Bytes Including options Type of service Total length Of datagram, in octets Header Fields (2) Identification Sequence number Used with addresses and user protocol to identify datagram uniquely Flags More bit Don’t fragment Fragmentation offset Time to live Protocol Next higher layer to receive data field at destination Header Fields (3) Header checksum Reverified and recomputed at each router 16 bit ones complement sum of all 16 bit words in header Set to zero during calculation Source address Destination address Options Data Field Carries user data from next layer up Integer multiple of 8 bits long (octet) Max length of datagram (header plus data) 65,535 octets IP Fragmentation & Reassembly network links have MTU (max.transfer size) - largest possible link-level frame. different link types, different MTUs large IP datagram divided


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