高中英语基础知识综合仿真练习250题(附参) ..pdf

高中英语基础知识综合仿真练习250题(附参) ..pdf

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瘦腿产品 / 收集整理 高中英语基础知识综合仿真练习250题(附参考答案) 高中英语基础知识综合仿真练习250题(附参考答案) 高高中中英英语语基基础础知知识识综综合合仿仿真真练练习习225500题题((附附参参考考答答案案)) 1.MayI speak toMr Johnson,themanagerofyourcompany? ______ A. AreyouTom? B. I`mMr Johnson. C.Whoareyou? D.Speaking, please. 2.It`syourbusiness. Youmustdoit______yourself. A. for B. to C.by D.from 3.Landel didn`ttell methereason ______their team hadfailed towin thegame. A.why B.what C.who D.that 4.DuringmystudyinAmerica, I madealotoffriends, ______somewere fromEurope. A. ofwhom B. ofthem C.fromthat D. ofwho 5. In those days, we hadn`tenoughfoodfor ______; so someofvillagers suffered from hunger. A.somebody B.anybody C.everybody D.nobody 6.Lora,you leaveall yourbooksonthefloor like this ! A.wouldn’t B.mustn’t C.needn’t D.maynot 7.I`ll ask themtokeep itquiet, ______Tonywon`tknowaboutit. A.but B.since C.when D.so 8.—Whatwould youdoif it tomorrow? —Wehavetocarryiton, sincewe’vegoteverythingready . A.snow B.snows C.will snow D.is snowing 9.May I watchTV? Yes. But onlyfor anhour______. A. so B. orso C.but D.about 10.Itwas in thesupermarket ______Imetthegirl, whonowis mywife. A.since B.when C.as D.that 11.—Oh ,mygod! I’vejustbrokentheglass thatmymother likes best.. — .It can’tbehelped . A.That`sfine B.All right C.Nevermind D.Notatall 12.Theguestsleft , alotofwastes intheroom.. A.left B.tohaveleft C.toleft D.havingleft 13.Several bridges _______over theriver andit is very convenient for people to travel around. A. werebuilt B. havebuilt C.havebeen built D.havingbeen built 14.Whatawonderful timeweare having. Itis abestholiday I ______before. A.was having B.have C.haveever had D.hadeverhad 15. We find______ necessary for us students to remember English words as more as possible if wewanttomaster thelanguage. A.that B.it C.this D.him 16.-Areyoubettertoday_______? -No, it’s ______. A.


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