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中国科技论文在线 第“3+X”代港口的港口供应链的经营模式 创新研究# 杨忠振,于述南* 5 (大连海事大学交通运输管理学院,大连中国 116026 ) 摘要 :首先,针对港口供应链,提出两种创新性的港口运营模式和第“3+X”代港口的概念, 认为港口不再只是单纯的物流节点,而是一组提供综合物流服务的链条,并指出发展第“3+X” 代港口的最有效方法是完善供应链服务,强化供应链上下游合作。其次,以神华集团为例, 分析其创新性经营的过程与经验。最后,以大连港为例研究大型港口集团建设和运营长距离 10 自有铁路的必要性和可行性,以及运营模式和投入产出关系,得出港口集团可以采用合资方 式建设和运营铁路的结论。 关键词:运营模式、第“3+X”代港口、供应链、海铁联运 中图分类号:请查阅《中国图书馆分类法》 15 Study on the Innovative Business Modes of the Supply Chain for the “3+X”Th Generation Port Yang Zhongzhen, Yu Shunan (Department of transportation management, Dalian maritime university, Dalian, China 116026) Abstract: This paper puts forth two kinds of innovative business modes for the port supply chain. 20 For the new business modes, the concept of the “3+X”th generation port is generated. Under the concept, the port is no longer considered as a node with single logistics function, but a set of links that offer comprehensive logistics services with the port as the core. The paper further finds that the efficient strategy to develop the “3+X”th generation port is to update the supply chain service and enforce the cooperation between the companies in the 25 upstream and the downstream. The paper then analyzes a successful example of Shenhua Group Corporation Limited in China. At last, using Dalian port as an example, the paper studies the necessity and feasibility of building and operating a long distance port-owned railway, and studies the input-ou


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