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三维GIS实验一:Surfer8地理信息制图 Un dersta nding How to Use Surfer The most com mon applicati on (应用) of Surfer is to create a grid-based(基于格网 的)map from an XYZ data file (有限个点的X、Y、Z坐标值组成的文件).The Grid | Data comma nd uses an XYZ data file to produce a grid file (格网 文件).The grid file is then used by most of the Map menu (地图菜单)comma nds to produce maps. Post maps(c 贴图)and base maps do not use grid files.(张贴图和 基面图除外,它们不需要使用 格网文件) The flow chart (流程图)to the right illustrates (图解) the relati on ship betwee n XYZ data files, grid files, con tour (等高线,等值线) maps, and wireframes线框图). Lesson 1 - Creat ing an XYZ Data File An XYZ data file is a file containing at least three columns (列) of data values. The first two colu mns are the X and Y coord in ates (坐标值) for the data poi nts. The third column(列) is the Z value assigned to the XY point. Although it is not required, en teri ng the X coord in ate坐标)in Colu mn( 列) A, the Y coord in ate(坐标)in Colu mn(列)B, and the Z value in Column(列)C is a good idea. Surfer looks for these coordi nates 坐标)in these colu mns by default. 一、 Opening an Existi ng Data File To look at an example of an XYZ data file, you can ope n TUTORWS2.DAT i nto a worksheet工作表 )win dow: Choose the File | Open comma nd, or click the data file. button to select the XYZ Double-click on the SAMPLES folder. In the list of files, click TUTORWS2.DAT and the n click the Ope n butt on to display the file in the worksheet工 作表)win dow. Notice that the X coordi nate 坐标) (Easting) is in Column(列)A, the Y coordi nate(坐标)(Northi ng) is in Column(列)B, and the Z value (Elevation) is in Column(列)C. Although it is not required, the header text (the text in row(行) 1) is helpful in ide ntify ing the type of data in the colum n(歹 U), and this in formatio n is used in dialog boxes whe n select ing worksheet工作表)colu mns. 二、 Creati ng a New Data File The Surfer worksheet工作表)can also be used to create a data file. To open a worksheet工作表)window and begi n en teri ng data: Choose the File | New com



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