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The gem -- Beijing Opera国粹——京剧The gem -- Beijing OperaChinese traditional opera is considered one of the world's three ancient operas, together with Greek tragedy and comedy, and Indian Sanskrit opera. Among the more than 360 ancient local operas in China, Peking Opera is known as China’s national opera, despite its comparatively young 200-year history.Origin 京剧非“京” Although it is called Peking Opera, the origins of Peking Opera are not in Beijing but in the provinces of Anhui (East China) and Hubei (South-central China). Its rise is due in great part to the favorable eyes and patronage of the imperial royalties.京味道 Peking Opera is a purely Chinese opera form dating back to the year 1790, when the famous Four Anhui Opera Troupes first came to Beijing in celebration of the 80th birthday of Emperor Qianlong (1711-1799) of the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911). The tour was a hit and the troupes stayed. In 1828, some famous Hubei Opera Troupe players came to Beijing.The artists of Hubei and Anhui troupes often jointly performed on the stage and absorbed repertoires, music, arias and performing techniques of each other and from other operas like Kun Qu, Qin Qiang and Bang Zi, as well as the local dialect and customs of Beijing. Its repertoires mainly depict fairy tales of preceding dynasties and important historical events. 湖北,安徽剧团的艺术家经常在舞台上共同表演和吸收的剧目,在音乐,曲调和表演技巧方面与其它剧种相互吸收。如昆曲,秦腔和梆子,以及当地的方言和北京海关的表演技巧 。其剧目主要描绘古老神话故事和重要的历史事件 It was after 1840 that Peking Opera formally took shape, growing even faster during the reign of the Empress Dowager Cixi (1835-1908), who was an opera aficionado. Classic Peking Opera repertoires and the names of the first-generation masters were on the lips of the people in Beijing, and eventually prevalent around the country. 京剧是1840年以后正式形成了,慈禧太后(1835至1908年)是一个歌剧爱好者,在位期间京剧发展得更快。经典京剧剧目和第一代大师的名字,经过人民的传诵,并最终在全国各地普遍存在。 Four roles---生Sheng: main male roleFour roles---旦Dan: young and beautiful female净Four roles---Jing: painted faced male丑Four roles---Chou: clow


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