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PAGE PAGE II PAGE PAGE I QDHE股权激励研究 摘 要 随着经济的发展,中国特色社会主义建设进入新时代,企业留人问题成为企业发展的关键性问题,这也进一步的推进了企业激励人才手段的不断创新。股权激励就是对人才进行激励的主要手段,主要是为了能够勉励和留住核心人力资源而实施的长效机制,同时也是当前对员工进行激励非常普遍的方式。股权激励是经过一些附加条件给员工部分股东权利,让其具有主人翁精神,进而与企业休戚与共,不仅如此,还能够使得员工和企业共同的获得发展,从而实现企业的稳定。不过这并不意味着股权激励就等同于福利的发放,而是一系列的制度。股权激励制度既有优点,也存在弊端,不仅需要企业在实施的时候遵循其客观规律,还需要激励制度的专业化。在以QDHE的股权激励制度为样本,对股权激励制度对企业成长的利弊进行探讨中,发现了QDHE股权激励存在一定的问题,例如管理层薪资和员工忠诚度偏低、股权激励方案有效期时间短、部门墙厚重、行权价格波动较大、方案的业绩考核指标不完善等问题。通过研究得出QDHE要想保持竞争优势,就必须制定好实施好内部股权激励制度,在原有管理运行基础上加以创新,选择合适自己未来发展的战略目标,合理激励管理层、提高考核指标并延长激励有效期、改善公司内部治理结构,合理调整行权价格、优化行权业绩指标设计等,通过这一系列措施的有效实施,才能使QDHE适应新时代经济社会的发展,留住企业发展的核心人才而不断发展壮大。 该论文有图7幅,表17个,参考文献36篇。 关键词:资本市场;股权激励;行权价格 Abstract With the development of economy, the construction of socialism with Chinese characteristics has entered a new era. The issue of enterprise retention has become a key issue for the development of enterprises and the enterprise incentives for talents are constantly updated. Equity incentive is one of them. It is a long-term mechanism implemented by enterprises in order to encourage and retain core human resources, and it is one of the most common ways to motivate employees. Equity incentives is to give partial shareholder rights to employees through some subsidiary conditions, so that they can have a sense of ownership, and then share with the enterprise. At the same time, promoting the common development of enterprises and employees, and realize the stable development of enterprises. However, equity incentive is a series of systems rather than a simple welfare payments.The equity incentive system has both advantages and disadvantages.Not only does enterprises need the objective laws, but also the professionalization of the incentive system.Taking the equity incentive system of QDHE as a sample, the author discusses the advantages and disadvantages of the equity incentive system to the enterprise growth. It finds out that there are certain problems in the equity incentive system of QDHE, such a


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