【最新】人教版高中英语同步练习:必修4 unit 2 section ⅰ(含答案).pdfVIP

【最新】人教版高中英语同步练习:必修4 unit 2 section ⅰ(含答案).pdf

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最新教学资料·人教版英语 Unit 2 Working the land Section Ⅰ Warming Up & Reading 课时精练(人教版 必修4 ,课标通用) Ⅰ.课文缩写 Famous scientist as he is ,Yuan Longping considers himself a farmer.As a young man,Yuan Longping saw the great need for increasing the rice 1 .At that time , 2 was a disturbing problem in China.He wanted to increase rice harvests without 3 the area of the fields.In 1974 ,a special strain of rice made it possible to produce one-third more of the 4 in the same fields. 5 to his research ,the UN has more tools in the 6 to rid the world of hunger.He is now 7 his rice knowledge in less developed countries to increase their rice harvests and he wants to 8 his rice so that it can be grown around the globe.Though he has 9 for the past five decades ,Dr.Yuan is quite 10 with his life.In his spare time ,he enjoys listening to violin music ,playing mah-jong ,swimming and reading. 答案 1.output 2.hunger 3.expanding 4.crop 5 .Thanks 6.battle 7.circulating 8.export 9.struggled 10.satisfied Ⅱ.单词拼写 1.We should learn to (斗争) with difficulties. 2 .Great changes have taken place in the first (十年) of the 21st century in China. 3 .Leonardo DiCaprio became a (超级的) star by acting in a famous film called Titanic. 4 .People in this area were hit by (饥饿) and poverty. 5 .We must (装备) the army for the modern war. 6 .The blood (循环) around the body. 7 .You can (拓展) your knowledge by reading more books. 8.America will increase its food ________ ( 出口) this year. 9 .In our country,everyone has rights and ________ ( 自由) to express his or her thoughts and ideas. 10.Don't walk around without a sunhat when you travel in Sanya ,or you will get ________(晒黑的) .



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