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PAGE 12 初中英语每日一练(二月份)(题目答案及详尽解析) 2.01改错: 1.In the beginning of the book, there are some interesting stories. 2.By the end of next week. I had finished this work. 3.He came to London before last weekend. 2.01答案: 1. At the beginning of the book, there are some interesting stories. 2. By the end of last week. I had finished this work. 3. He had come to London before last weekend. 2.01解析: 1. 句意:书的开头有一些有趣的故事。at the beginning与at the end都是指某事物的开始与结束部分,都不指时间范围,而in the beginning 则是指开始一段时间。in the end=at last是指"最终,终于"的意思。 2. 句意:在上周结束的时候,我已经完成这份工作了。last week是一个过去的时间,by the end of则指上周的周末时间段,在这里跟last week搭配成了一个 “过去的过去”的时间状语,后面的句子要用过去完成时。 3. 句意:上周末之前他来到伦敦。第三题跟第二题基本一致。before last weekend也是构成一个 “过去的过去”的时间状语,而before 一般要与完成时连用, ago则与一般过去时连用。 2.02改错: 1. I can help you repair this bike. You will get it after two hours. 2. Three days after he died. 3. He lived in No. 3 Beijing Road. 2.02答案: 1.I can help you repair this bike. You will get it in two hours. 2. After three days he died./ Three days later he died. 3.He lived at No. 3 Beijing Road. 2.02. 解析 句意:我能帮你修理这辆自行车。你可以两个小时之后来取。中文经常讲两小时之后来取,两天内会修好,而这个介词在英文中要用in而不要用after。原因是:①after 多用于过去时,如:I arrived in New York. After three days, I found a job in the bank. ② after 加时间是表达一个不确定的时间范围,如:after three days,三天之后的哪一天都可以。所以在许诺若干时间内会完成某事时,一定要用介词in。 2. 句意:三天之后他死了。after 与 later都可以用来表达一段时间之后,但它们所处的位置不同,after 在时间词前,而later在时间词后。 3. 句意:他住在北京路三号。在门牌号码前要用at, 并要注意它的惯用法:at the end of the street, at the foot of the mountain, at the top of the page。 2.03改错: 1. There is a colour TV set at the corner of the hall. 2. Do you know there is some good news on today’s newspaper? 3. The school will begin on September 1st. 2.03答案: 1. There is a colour TV set in the corner of the hall. 2. Do you know there is some good news in today’s newspaper? 3. School will begin on September 1st. 2.03解析: 1.句意:大厅角落里有一台电视机。在屋内的角落应用in,而墙的外角用at,如:There is a tree at the corner of the street. 2.句意:你知道今天的报纸上有一些新消息吗?在报纸上的新闻要用in, 而在具体某一版上,或某一页上则要用on。


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