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二年级下牛津英语词汇句型汇总表 字母组合发音掌握要求 : 掌握 ar, ir, ur, or 的发音规则 ; 综合复习掌握 a,e,i,o,u 的开闭音节发音规则; 综合复习掌握 ow, ou, oo, ai, ay, ee, ea, oa, er, ar, ir, ur, or 的发音规则; 掌握 r 辅音连缀 : fr, gr, tr ;掌握 l 辅音连缀 :bl, cl, fl, gl, pl ; 掌握 s 辅音连缀 :sk, sp, st, sl, sw ; 掌握 sh, ch, th, wh 发音规则; 能根据发音规则 , 填出所缺字母 ,完成单词 , 如: cake , cat , bar, friend … 2B 牛津教材抄写内容 *** 单词词组 需抄写和默写; *** 句子 仅需抄写,了解大小写、标点和单词间距;在练习题型中,建议逐步采用选择合适 的单词完成句子、听填单词完成句子或 翻译 等帮助学生理解句子结构。 M1U1: 单词 :red, yellow, blue, green, pink, purple, white, black, brown, orange, colour, bee(s), bird(s), butterfly, butterflies, tree(s), grass, some, spring, the rainbow 数词: one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, twenty ( 掌握可数名词的单复数形式 ) 词组 :two yellow butterflies, some trees, some grass, (some 可以和可数名词的复数或不可数名词任意搭配、组合 ) in the trees, on the grass, in the park 句型 : Where is spring? Here is spring. What can you see? I can see a butterfly. / I can see two butterflies What colour is it? It ’s red. What colour are they? They ’re white. What is it doing? It is flying. What are they doing? They are floating. (注意已学过动词的 ing 形式, 3 种情况,如 singing, hopping, dancing 等) 缩写、完整形式: I am=I ’m You are=You ’re they are=they ’re he is=he ’s she is=she ’s it is=it ’s that is=that ’s what is=what ’s is not=isn ’t are not=aren ’t do not=don ’t can not=can ’t 凡遇单词 am 和 are 的缩写,省略字母 a ,用上标代替。 凡遇单词 is 的缩写,省略字母 i,用上标代替。 凡遇单词 not 的缩写,省略字母 o ,用上标代替。 M1U2: 单词 : watch(es) ,bag(s) ,hard, soft, smooth, rough , touch 词组 :a smooth and soft book two hard desks


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