江苏省淮安市2014-2015学年高一下学期期末调查测试英语试题 扫描版含答案.doc

江苏省淮安市2014-2015学年高一下学期期末调查测试英语试题 扫描版含答案.doc

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淮安市2014-2015学年度第二学期期末高一调研测试 英语试题参考答案 一.听力理解 (共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分) 1-5 CABBA 6-10 BCCAC 11-15 CBAAB 16-20 ACBCA 二. 单项填空 (共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分) 21-25: ADBCA ; 26-30: DBDCC ; 三.完形填空 (共20小题;每小题1分, 满分20分) 31-35: DDABC; 36-40: BDBAC; 41-45: BBCAC; 46-50: ABCDC. 四.阅读理解 (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分) 51-54: BDDC; 55-57: CDC; 58-61: BCDB ; 62-65; CDBA; 五.词语填空。(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分) 66. beneficial; 67. Belonging to; 68. approaching; 69. traditional; 70. reality; 71. does harm to; 72. attached to 73. approval; 74. Determined; 75. put forward; 六.完成句子。(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分) 76. make up; 77. fall for; 78. insisted on; 79. recommends/suggests/advises, be; 80. without hesitation. 七.任务阅读。(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分) 81. disappointed; 82. whatever; 83. given/offered; 84. honest; 85. Conclusion/Summary 八.书面表达。(共1小题;满分20分) One possible version: The news-stands in some cities will be cleared away, which has raised people’s great concern. Those who are in favor of the policy hold the view that news-stands are out of date and they are making cities look untidy. Besides, they are always located by the road, which has a negative influence on traffic. However, many other people are against the policy. For one thing, it is convenient for people to get newspapers or magazines from the nearby stands. If there are no news-stands left, they may have to walk a long way to get what they need to read. For another, many owners of the news-stands are laid-off workers. If they lose the stands, they will lose the way to support their families. In my opinion, it is better not to close them down. If some stands are old and shabby, we can have them replaced so that they don’t affect the beauty of the city. For those that affect the traffic, we can put them in a more proper place. (157 words) 附:听力原稿 (Text 1) W: Why don’t you go to a dealer to check out the used cars? M: No, thanks. I’m sure I’ll find an ad in the newspaper that suits me. (Text 2) M: Hi, Ja


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