2021春人教版九年级英语下册 Unit 10 习题课时2 Section A (3a-3c).pptxVIP

2021春人教版九年级英语下册 Unit 10 习题课时2 Section A (3a-3c).pptx

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人教版九年级下 Unit 10 You’re supposed to shake hands.课时2 Section A (3a-3c)提示:点击 进入习题能力提升练基础巩固练答案呈现16A61A11capitaldropped by217Dvalue12got mad7C18B313relaxedmake an effortD814make plans9B4noon15keep others waiting105madC一、根据句意及所给提示完成单词。1. The c of the USA is Washington D.C.2. The ________ (价值) of this painting must be at least 500 dollars.3. They are very ________(放松的) in the countryside.4. It’s strange that the football match starts at n.5. There is no need to be mabout it.apitalvaluerelaxedoonad二、单项选择。6. —I’m sorry I didn’t do a good job.—Never mind. _______ you have tried your best.A. After all B. Above all C. At all D. In allA7. [2019·鄂州] —Jimmy, I don’t like my classmate Bob. He is so noisy.— Oh, so he is. But you cannot avoid _______him. He sits next to you.A. meet B. to meetC. meeting D. to meetingC8. [2019·重庆] You’d better leave______, or trouble will come to you.A. lively B. friendly C. heavily D. quicklyD9. —Mario, your mobile phone is ringing.—Wait a minute. It’s dangerous for us _______it while crossing the street.A. answering B. to answerC. answer D. answeredB10. —I missed the football match on TV last night.— _______You can find out the results.A. Sorry to hear that. B. What a pity!C. It’s no big deal. D. That’s too bad.【点拨】题意为:——我错过了昨晚电视上的足球比赛。——没什么大不了的。你可以查出比赛结果。 Sorry to hear that. 表示“听到那事很难过。”;What a pity!表示“多么可惜!”;It's no big deal. 表示“没什么大不了的。”That's too bad. 表示“太糟糕了。”结果语境,只有C符合。C三、根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词。11. I was just going out when an old friend _________ _________ (顺便访问) my home.droppedby12. The manager _________ _________ (大动肝火) when he knew Peter’s mistakes.got mad13. You must _________ _________ _________ (作出努力) to pass the exam this time.make an effort14. We should _________ _________ (做计划) before doing anything.make plans15. It’s impolite to _________ _________ _________ (让别人等) for a long time.keep others waiting四、阅读理解。 16. According to the passage, som



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