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七年级下短文填空和改错练习 Unit 8 P47 Anna There is a zoo in my ________. I like _______( spend) time there on weekends.I love______(watch) the monkey_______(clime) around. The monkeys sometimes fight. They look like my friends and___(I) when we fight. ______(get) there, I usually walk out and turn r____on Bridge Road. Then I walk a______Bridge Road. The zoo is______ the right. John I live _______ a supermarket. My parents usually_______(shop) there. There is a big park ______(cross)from the supermarket. I often ______at the park because I love the clean air and s__________. The best things in life _______(be)free! _______(get) the park ,you just have to ______Center Street. Lisa I live in a ______(noise) neighborhood. There is a post office b_______my house and a clothes store. But my f______place is the library. It is very quite and I enjoy_______ (read)there. When I read books, time ______(go)______(quick)! You can get to the library ________(easy). Just go down North Road and turn l ______.It ’s _______(cross) from the park. Unit 9 P53 An interesting job Joe Brown has ______ very interesting job.He is a police_______( art).Some people see crimes and then talk to Joe.They tell him w_______ the criminal ________( look) like.Then Joe draws a picture of the criminal,and the police put _____ in newspapers and on television ______( find) him. He _______(want)to draw a good picture of ______ criminal,but this job is sometimes difficult . Many people don't always see things the ______ way so they may describe the same person__________( different). Also,they don't always remember well. “The criminal is of medium height and young.He has long straight brown hair and big eyes, ”_______(say) one woman. Another woman says, “He is


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